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2022.03.22 Announcements
YLP Congress 2022
The Young Leaders Program Congress 2022 was held online from3 pm JST onward on Saturday, 26 February 2022, with nine YLP alumni invited from seven ASEAN countries. Also participating were YLP Director Senior Professor Kiyotaka Yokomichi; Professor Mikitaka Masuyama, Deputy YLP Director (School of Government); and Professor Hirofumi Takada, Vice President and Deputy YLP Director (School of Local Governance).
In his opening remarks, Prof. Yokomichi spoke about the 25-year history of GRIPS and the development of YLP. Prof. Masuyama and Prof. Takada followed with speeches, and Professor Emeritus Masahiro Horie, former Director of YLP, gave a recorded keynote lecture titled, “Memorial Speech for the 25th Anniversary of GRIPS.” Individual presentations by alumni on their experiences so far and their current situation were followed by discussion of means of developing the future network of YLP alumni.
This YLP Congress was a GRIPS 25th Anniversary memorial event. It was agreed that the congress will be held regularly in the future.