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2021.03.09 Policy-Activity

Policy recommendations to the Government of Japan on the Indo-Pacific Cooperation made by the GRIPS Alliance Indo-Pacific Cooperation Study Group

October 29, 2020

GRIPS Alliance



On Wednesday, October 28, 2020, President Akihiko Tanaka, Chair of the Indo-Pacific Cooperation Study Group, met with Mr. Kazuhiro Sugita, the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary and submitted policy recommendations to the Government of Japan on the Indo-Pacific Cooperation. On Thursday, October 29, President Tanaka met with Mr. Eiichiro Washio, the State Minister for Foreign Affairs and submitted the policy recommendations.


The Indo-Pacific Cooperation Study Group was established in December 2019 by the GRIPS Alliance, and was held nine times on an almost monthly basis until October 2020. The study group compiled the policy recommendations by specifying topics such as “regional economic integration,” “maritime security,” “great power rivalry,” “post-corona international order,” and “digital economy and society” and inviting researchers from universities and research institutes and experts from relevant ministries and industries for reporting on the topics, exchanging opinions, and summarizing the results.


The policy recommendations are subtitled “Towards the Stability of International Order and Promotion of International Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic Indo-Pacific” and are made on specific measures aimed at realizing the “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” initiative.


※※ Click here to download the text of the policy recommendations ※※


DSA_5246 (002)



[Participating members]

○ National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
Akihiko Tanaka, President (Chair, Indo-Pacific Cooperation Study Group)
Narushige Michishita, Vice President (Vice Chair, Indo-Pacific Cooperation Study Group)
Takashi Shiraishi, Senior Fellow, GRIPS ALLIANCE
Takehiko Nakao, Adjunct Professor
Yutaka Iimura, Senior Fellow, GRIPS ALLIANCE
Yonosuke Hara, Senior Fellow, GRIPS ALLIANCE
Nobuhito Hobo, Senior Advisor, GRIPS ALLIANCE
Kenichi Kawasaki, Professor, GRIPS ALLIANCE
Hideshi Tokuchi, Senior Fellow, GRIPS ALLIANCE
Yoshihiro Otsuji, Adjunct Professor
Masaru Tachibana, Senior Fellow, GRIPS ALLIANCE
Harukata Takenaka, Professor
Yusuke Takagi, Associate Professor
Kunihiko Shinoda, Professor/Executive Advisor GRIPS ALLIANCE
Ayako Kondo, GRIPS ALLIANCE Secretariat


○ Industrial sector
Reiji Takehara, Director, International Cooperation Bureau, Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)

Kazuo Nishitani, General Manager, International Division, Japan/Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry


○ Universities and research institutions
Atsushi Sunami, President, Sasakawa Peace Foundation (Executive Advisor to the President, National??? Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
Tsutomu Kikuchi, Professor, School of International Politics, Economics and Communication, Aoyama? Gakuin University/Senior Adjunct Research Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs

Ken Jimbo, Senior Research Fellow, Canon Institute for Global Studies
Mie Oba, Professor, Faculty of Law/Graduate School of Law, Kanagawa University


○ Observers

Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Economy,

Trade and Industry; Ministry of Defense




National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)

GRIPS Alliance


〒106-8677? 7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato Ward, Tokyo

Office: 03-6439-6199、6076

Email:?  k-shinoda@grips.ac.jp

    ? a-kondoh@grips.ac.jp



7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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