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2020.12.14 Announcements

Selection of Candidate for President of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

December 14, 2020

Presidential Selection Committee

National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

Selection of Candidate for President

of the

National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

On December 14, 2020, the Presidential Selection Committee of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (a national university corporation) held a meeting to select a candidate for the position of President upon the expiration of the term of office of the current president and selected Dr. Tanaka Akihiko as the final candidate.

1.Candidate for President

Tanaka Akihiko

Date of Birth: August, 1954

Current Position: President, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

Educational Background: Ph.D. in Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981

Field of Study: International Politics in Major Countries of East Asia

2.Term of Office

From April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2023 (two years)

In accordance with Article 2 of the Regulation on the Term of Office of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies’ University President (as of October 20, 2006, Regulation No. 18-12), the term of office will be 2 years as this is a reappointment.

3.Reasons for Selection

The above candidate was judged by the Presidential Selection Committee to meet the criteria outlined in the “Desired Image of the President of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies,” a document formulated by the Presidential Selection Committee. Specifically, the Presidential Selection Committee judged Dr. Tanaka Akihiko to possess the qualities and abilities that are deemed indispensable for President of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies including demonstrated excellent leadership in the development of research and education at GRIPS and in the improvement of GRIPS management. The Committee, therefore, believes the candidate to be suitable to hold presidency of the Institute, which aims at contributing to the advancement of democratic governance in Japan and the world.

4.Selection Process

(1) On October 31, 2019, the Presidential Selection Committee decided that the “Criteria for Selection of President of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies” (Attachment 1) would be applied without revision in the selection of the candidate for President of GRIPS.

(2) On November 5, 2020, the Presidential Selection Committee chose Dr. Tanaka as a preliminary candidate.

(3) On December 14, 2020, the Presidential Selection Committee conducted a hearing and an interview with Dr. Tanaka and approved him as the final candidate for President of GRIPS.

5.Curriculum Vitae of the Candidate

Please see Attachment 2.

If you have any questions, please contact the General Affairs Division.

Thank you very much.

Contact: kaigi@grips.ac.jp

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TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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