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2020.06.23 Education
GRIPS lectures continue online
In order to prevent the spread of new coronavirus disease (Covid-19), GRIPS lectures have been conducted online, rather than face-to-face, since the beginning of April. In spring semester 2020 (first and second semesters) we are offering a total of 134 courses online. In a student survey in early May, 65% of respondents reported being satisfied with the online lecture situation. “Satisfied” and “Average” responses accounted for 97% of the respondents. Reasons cited for these positive responses included “I can take classes just like face-to-face classes”; “It is interactive”; and “It saves commuting time and prevents infection.” On the other hand, there were some unfavorable responses, such as “Class communication is often one-way”; and “The timing of questions and answers is difficult.”
In addition to sharing the results of this survey with faculty, we are working to support the improvement of online delivery by sharing with all faculty some examples of faculty members’ best practice and ingenious approaches, highly evaluated by students. For example, effective use of breakout rooms for small group discussions is a useful insight for all faculty.
Online delivery of classes is scheduled to continue for the time being.