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2019.11.16 Announcements
President Tanaka Participates in the Kyushu University Open Lecture, “Talking about the future of Asia with Dr. Vogel”
On November 16, 2019, GRIPS President Akihiko Tanaka was a speaker in the open event, “Talking about the future of Asia with Dr. Vogel” held by Kyushu University on the occasion of a visit by Dr. Ezra F. Vogel (Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus, Harvard University), a renowned authority on East Asian studies.
In the event, Professor Ezra F. Vogel gave a talk entitled, “Eternal Neighbors: Future of Asia through the History of Japan and China”. This was followed by panelist commentaries on “Japan-China Relations and Future World Situation” by President Akihiko Tanaka, a specialist in international politics, and Toshiya Tsugami, a researcher on modern China. The event ended with a three-way discussion.