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2019.09.07 Announcements
Launch of “Contemporary Southeast Asia Policy Research Network”
1. Purpose
Based on the cooperative relationships that GRIPS Alliance has built with universities, research institutes, think tanks and international organizations, the Contemporary Southeast Asia Policy Research Network (PRN-SEA) aims to;
1) Build a network of policy research to address the challenges faced in Southeast Asia, and
2)Conduct joint policy researches on topics of common interest to each country, and raise issues /provide policy proposals to the governments concerned.
2. Background/Importance
The Southeast Asian region occupies an important position in the global economy. It is also located in a strategically important area in the junction between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Thus, the region’s changes have great impact to the stability and prosperity on a global scale. Furthermore, the region’s geographical importance is increasing, amid the growing tension between the U.S-China relations.
At the same time, the Southeast Asian countries face, albeit different degrees, various issues and difficulties such as; political stability and national security, economic development, social inequality and poverty.
PRN-SEA aims to provide policy proposals through research in order to strengthen intellectual exchanges between Japan and Southeast Asian countries in various policy areas.
3. PRN-SEA kick-off workshop in Singapore
-Kick-off Workshop Outline
The kickoff workshop was held in Singapore for two days on September 6th and 7th, 2019. There was a total of 46 experts and researchers from 23 research institutions such as universities and think tanks in 11 countries (including Japan, Southeast Asian countries, as well as the United States, Australia, India and China).
The purpose of the kick-off work shop was to;
1) Discuss the challenges faced by the Southeast Asian region, and
2) Gain consensus on the themes and processes for joint researches to be conducted with the use of the PRN-SEA network.
-Plan for Joint Research
There are joint research teams consisting of five to eight young and mid-career researchers assigned by respective institutes. Each team will prepare and publish reports incorporating policy recommendations over a period of one to two years. Such results and proposals will be reported at the “Tokyo Forum” which will be held in early 2021.
Name of research team |
Leader |
Members (as of Dec 15, 2019) |
Great Power Rivalry and Maritime Order |
-Yusuke Takagi (GRIPS, Japan) -Jane Chan (S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies) |
1. Aileen S.P. Baviera (Asia Pacific Pathway, Philippines) 2. Shariman Lockman (ISIS , Malaysia) 3. Shafiah Muhibat (CSIS, Indonesia) 4. Bhubhindar Singh (RSIS, Singapore) 5. Hideshi Tokuchi (GRIPS, Japan) 6. Vo Xuan Vinh (VASS, Vietnam) |
State Responses to Extremism in Post-Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia |
Takeshi Kohno (Toyo Eiwa University) |
1. Jamhari Makruf (Universitas Islam Negri Syarif Hidayatullah, Indonesia) 2. Kamarulnizam Abdullah (Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia) 3. Julkipli Wadi (University of the Philippines, Diliman, Philippine) 4. Norshahril Saat (ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore) |
Sustainable Economic Growth |
Shujiro Urata (Waseda University) |
1. Dionisius A. Narjoko (ERIA, Indonesia) 2. Cassey Lee (ISEAS, Malaysia) 3. Rafaelita Aldaba (PIDS, Philippines) 4. Shandre Thangavelu (University of Adelaide, Singapore) 5. Archanun Kophaiboon (Thammasat University, Thailand) 6. Nguyen Huy Hoang (VASS, Vietnam) 7. Ayako Obashi (Aoyama Gakuin University) |
Development Cooperation Partnership |
Hiroaki Shiga (JICA institute) |
1. Yurius Purwadi Hermawan (Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia) 2. Juita Mohamad (ISIS fellow, Malaysia) 3. Nguyen Huy Hoang (VASS, Vietnam) 4. Siriporn Wajjwalku (Thammasat University, Thailand) 5. Christopher Hang Lwang Lim (RSIS, Singapore) |
Environement Environment |
Alizan Mahadi (ISIS, Malaysia) |
Yasuko Kameyama (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan) |
Joint research teams working on “Great Power Rivalry and Maritime Order” and “State Response to Extremism “held a kickoff meeting and discussed the direction of the research on September 7 respectively.
Joint research on “Sustainable Economic Growth” team, led by Professor Urata of Waseda University, is conducted between GRIPS Alliance and ERIA, and the first workshop was held in Jakarta on December 13-14th, 2019.
As for the theme on “Development Cooperation Partnership”, the JICA Research Institute will lead the joint research team.
Research on “Environment” will be led by the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) of Malaysia. The outline of the research and assignment of team members will be discussed at the initial workshop, scheduled to be held in early 2020.
※Reference: Concept papers for each research project.
1.Great Power Rivalry and Maritime Order
2.State Responses to Extremism in Post-Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia
4.Development Cooperation Partnership