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2019.06.21 Announcements

GRIPS Alumni Homecoming in the Philippines



GRIPS Alumni Homecoming was held at the Philippine International Convention Center in Manila, Philippines on June 21, 2019. Attending on behalf of GRIPS were President Akihiko Tanaka, Executive Vice President Mikitaka Masuyama, Executive Vice President Kiyotaka Yokomichi, Professors Yuqing Xing and Patarapong Intarakumnerd, Associate Professor Stephan Litschig, and Assistant Professor Yusuke Takagi.

Since there are many alumni of GRIPS and GSPS (The Graduate School of Policy Science at Saitama University, the predecessor of GRIPS) in the Philippines, and since the former Governor of Bangko Sentral ng Pilpinas (BSP) is a GSPS alumnus, BSP and GRIPS co-hosted “BSP-GRIPS Academic Conference and GRIPS Alumni Homecoming.” More than 70 people, including GRIPS/GSPS alumni and BSP staff, participated in the event. Invited guests included Japan’s ambassador to the Philippines, the President of the Asian Development Bank, and the Director-General of JICA Philippines Office.

During the academic conference (Public Policy for Sustainable Development Goals), GRIPS alumni and faculty members gave presentations and entered into discussions.




At the GRIPS Alumni Homecoming, President Tanaka gave welcoming remarks and conferred Distinguished Alumnus Awards on Nestor A. Espenilla, Jr., the former Governor of BSP; and Maria Almasara Cyd N. Tua?o-Amador, Vice Governor of BSP. (Governor Espenilla passed away in February. His wife received his posthumous award.)




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