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2019.02.15 Announcements

“Disruptive Inclusive Innovation Project” Two-day Event

On February 14 and 15, 2019, a GRIPS Venture Roundtable and a GRIPS Symposium were held on Disruptive Inclusive Innovation, the subject of a project led by the GRIPS SciREX Center (Science for Redesigning Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Center). (Sponsors: World Bank, Nikkei Asian Review Supporter: GHIPP)


This two-day event, was devoted to exploring strategies to advance high impact science, technology & innovation that would be accessible to all levels of societies globally for the resolution of social issues such as those identified in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This included discussion of business models, technological innovations, and policies for global deployment and the importance of up-scaling such solutions. A key objective of the event was to identify policies that Japan should adopt and strategies it should bolster in the near future. The event attracted numerous representatives from government, the private sector, venture firms, civil society, and other sectors, and stimulated an extensive exchange of valuable insights.


Day1:GRIPS Roundtable

“Pioneering Across Borders: Venture Opportunities and Challenges for Disruptive Inclusive Innovation Addressing Sustainable Development Goals” (February 14, 2019)




Applying the latest technologies and new business models, disruptive innovation brings “more for less for more” (i.e., more products and services at less cost to more people). A total of 21 innovators, representing venture firms, entrepreneurs, venture capital (VC), and other principals on the front lines of such innovation, broke into two groups and engaged in two roundtable sessions (I and II).


Facilitated by Michiko Iizuka (GRIPS Professor) and Gerald Hane (GRIPS Lecturer, Hitachi Ltd.), who presented their own analyses of key issues in a disruptive inclusive innovation, the sessions identified impediments and barriers to the development of business spanning national borders, and policies and business models for overcoming those obstacles. This was followed by lively discussion among the speakers and a question-and-answer session, during which speakers fielded many questions from the audience, who showed keen interest in the proceedings. Kiyoshi Kurokawa (GRIPS Professor Emeritus) from 必博娱乐Program (GHIPP) summed up the value of the day: “Presenting new solutions to problems, and creating new social value: this is innovation, and this is why innovation is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.”

(The insights from the roundtable discussions will be included in a book for eventual publication as one of the outcomes of the Disruptive Inclusive Innovation Project.)


Day2:GRIPS Symposium

“Accelerating Global Impact: Disruptive Inclusive Innovation to Advance Sustainable Development Goals” (February 15, 2019)



The symposium on Day 2 brought together experts with widely varying perspectives, from government, the private sector, civil society and other sectors, and was open to the public. Its purpose was to collect models and examples of success of disruptive inclusive innovation from various actors in the innovation ecosystem, and to draw up an agenda of business issues and challenges to be overcome through policy.


The symposium opened with a speech by GRIPS President Akihiko Tanaka, who argued that, “GRIPS’ current policy on education, research and management is strongly linked to the SDGs, and to accomplish the SDGs, positive and steady efforts with assistance such as ODA are essential. Furthermore, it is our important mission to utilize science & technology innovation in that situation.” Part I began with two keynote speeches, one by Dr. Joanna Chataway, Professor, University College London, titled, “What is Inclusive Innovation, and Why Now?” and one by Dr. R A Mashelkar, National Research Professor of India (and recipient of the 2018 TWAS-Lenovo Prize), titled, “More from Less for More; More Products and Services, from Less Resources, for More People.” This was followed by presentations from a panel which included Mr. Alfred Watkins, Chairman of the Global Solutions Summit, Mr. Victor Muljas, ICT Specialist, World Bank, and Mr. Ca Tran Ngoc, Senior Fellow of the National Institute for S&T Policy, Vietnam The ensuing Panel Discussion (which dealt with subjects including the application of technology to help science & technology and innovation contribute to the attainment of the SDGs; the role of start-ups; and the formation of ecosystems) was facilitated by Michiko Iizuka (GRIPS Professor) and Gerald Hane (GRIPS Lecturer, Hitachi Ltd.).


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In Part II, Mr. Koichi Akashi, Director General for Policy (in the fields of science & technology, innovation, and atomic energy) in Japan’s Cabinet Office, delivered a keynote speech titled, “Strategic Plan toward Society 5.0.” His speech was followed by panelist presentations on the latest approaches and theories for the achievement of problem-solving innovation. The Panel Discussion, which featured an animated exchange of opinions about future challenges and agenda items for the building of Society 5.0, in terms of both in concrete goals and speedy accomplishment, included Mr. Masaaki Nishijo, MEXT, Mr. Keisuke Sasaki, METI, Mr. Itsu Adachi, JICA, Ms. Naoko Ogawa, Keidanren, and Mr. Makoto Nakamura, Startup Café. The panel discussion was facilitated by Michiko Iizuka (GRIPS Professor) and Atsushi Sunami (GRIPS Vice President).


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Click here to view the documents during the two days of the event.

(Symposium Part1)

Keynote Speech 1 (10.3MB)

Keynote Speech 2 (5.6MB)

Panel 1_1 (2.6MB)

Panel 1_2 (1.7MB)

Panel 1_3 (3MB)

(Symposium Part2)

Keynote Speech 3 (2.6MB)

Panel 2_1 (3.3MB)

Panel 2_2 (8MB)

Panel 2_3 (1.2MB)

Panel 2_4 ( 2.1MB)





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