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2017.08.05 Education
GRIPS 20th Anniversary Celebration in Bangkok
GRIPS 20th Anniversary Celebration in Bangkok, 5 August, 2017
As part of the GRIPS 20th anniversary celebration, an event was organized by the GRIPS Thailand Alumni Association, in cooperation with GRIPS faculty and staff. The alumni event was held at Chulalongkorn University and Dusit Thani Hotel in Bangkok, on August 5th, 2017. A delegation from GRIPS, including President Prof. Akihiko Tanaka, Executive Vice-Presidents Prof. Kiyotaka Yokomichi and Prof. Mikitaka Masuyama, Prof. Masahiro Horie, Prof. Hirofumi Takada, Prof. Patarapong Intrakumnerd, and two staff members traveled to Bangkok to participate in the program, which attracted a crowd of more than 80 people.

The first part of the program, a mini-conference, started at 1pm at the Political Science Faculty of Chulalongkorn University with opening remarks by GRIPS President Akihiko Tanaka, followed by a congratulatory speech by Mr. Hideo Fukushima, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Japan in Thailand. Prof. Dr. Woothisan Tanchai, Secretary General of King Prajadhipok’s Institute (KPI), one of Thailand’s leading academic institutes that aims to develop democracy and good governance, followed with a keynote speech. Dr. Tanchai graduated in 1986 from GRIPS’ predecessor, the Graduate School of Policy Science (GSPS), Saitama University, making him the most senior among the Thai alumni. In his speech he reflected on his own public policy research and the historical approach of public policy in Thailand.

The keynote speech was followed by a panel discussion on ”Collaboration between Japan and Thailand through Postgraduate Education”. The panel consisted of GRIPS Prof. Masahiro Horie and three alumni members, Ms. Pimchanok Vonkhorpon (’93), Director General, Trade Policy and Strategy Office, Ministry of Commerce of Thailand, Asst. Prof. Dr. Samrit Yossomsakdi (’90), Faculty of Political Science and Law, Burapha University, and Dr. Krist Dacharux (’16), Senior Economist, Bank of Thailand while alumnus Dr. Waiphot Kulachai (’11), Assistant Dean, Faculty of Political Science and Law, Burapha University, acted as moderator.

The three alumni panelists stressed the enormous impact of their experience of studying abroad in Japan and how this has greatly influenced their careers and personal development. Prof. Horie pointed out the importance of the graduates’ experience of studying in Japan in developing an independent viewpoint towards a well-balanced policy development and policy formation, taking into account the country-specific circumstances of Thailand and Japan.

In the final part of the mini-conference, we had three presentations, by a GRIPS professor, a doctoral candidate and an alumnae, focusing on industrial innovation, public policy, and economic policy studies:
- Industrial upgrading and innovation in Thai automotive, electronics and food industries. By Prof. Dr. Patarapong Intarakumnerd, GRIPS
- Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering Regime in the Banking Sector: Malaysia, Japan and Thailand. By Ms. Supranee Satitchaicharoen, Anti-Money Laundering office
- Essays on Public Policy and Population Aging in Development Economics. By Dr. Tanyasorn Ekapirak, Bank of Thailand

From 6pm, a reception party was held at the Dusit Thani Hotel, with opening remarks by GRIPS President Akihiko Tanaka and a congratulatory speech and toast by Tanong Bidaya, a former Thai Minister of Finance and visiting professor at GRIPS.

At the reception, GRIPS faculty and alumni shared their many memories of their life at GRIPS, their studies, work and personal stories. It was a great networking opportunity, bringing together the different generations of alumni, from the early days of GSPS who graduated some 40 years ago up to the fresh graduates who had just returned from Japan.
And finally, it was announced that Prof. Dr. Woothisan Tanchai, Secretary General, King Prajadhipok’s Institute has been appointed as the first Chairperson of the GRIPS Thailand Alumni Association. We look forward to having many more opportunities for meaningful exchange and networking with our alumni in Thailand.




Some of the many Bank of Thailand GRIPS alumni