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2016.05.10 Education

GRIPS Students Seek Donations for Earthquake Victims in Kumamoto

KumamotoFundraisingA magnitude 6.5 earthquake hit Kumamoto on Thursday 14th April 2016, followed by an even larger M7.3 earthquake on Saturday 16th April. There have been over 1000 aftershocks recorded so far in that region and still happening. Earthquakes have destroyed homes, schools, hospitals, roads, infrastructure and communities, killed at least 58 people, injured over 3,000 and forced 90,000 to evacuate.

The International and Japanese Student Councils (ISC & JSC) have taken the initiative to collect donations to help the affected areas recover from the devastating earthquakes. Among others, donations were collected at the Welcome Party for new students on April 26. All the funds will be sent to the Kumamoto Prefectural Government and will go towards reconstructing disaster-hit areas.

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