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2012.06.19 Announcements
GRIPS attains first place in the acceptance rate of the Grants in Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi)
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has released figures pertaining to the allocation of the Grants in Aid for Scientific Research, called Kakenhi, for fiscal year 2012.
GRIPS had an 88.5% acceptance rate for new as well as continuing Kakenhi projects, ranking GRIPS top among all the universities and research institutes in Japan.
Although it is not shown in the MEXT figures, as they don’t give figures when the number of new applications is less than 50, GRIPS also had a high acceptance rate for new projects. Nineteen projects out of 26 applications were accepted, for a rate of 73.1%.
- Please click here to see the MEXT figures.
- Please click here for details.
*both links Japanese only