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2012.03.26 Announcements
A Joint Forum by Iwate Prefecture and GRIPS was held at GRIPS
A joint Forum by Iwate Prefecture and GRIPS entitled the “Forum on Iwate’s Reconstruction: the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami” was held at GRIPS on March 26.
More than 200 people attended the Forum, and listened intently to the report delivered by Governor of Iwate Mr. Tasso, as well as the discussion among the panelists.
The program was as follows:
Date & time:?Monday, 26th?March, 2012, 13:30-17:00
Venue:?GRIPS, Sokairo Hall, 1st?Floor
- “Facing Iwate’s Reconstruction After the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami”
Keynote by Takuya Tasso, the Governor of Iwate
- “Expectations for the Reconstruction of the Tohoku Region”
Lecture by Shigeru Morichi, Director, Policy Reseach, Center, GRIPS
- “To Create a Homeland Iwate and Sanriku” Panel Discussion by Japanese panelists
?Moderator:?Prof. Jun Iio, Professor at GRIPS
- Mr.?Masahiko Mochizuki, Representative Director of Sanriku Railway
- Prof. Shigeki Sakai, Professor at Iwate University Department of Engineering
- Mr. Junichi Kano, Representative Director of NPO Iwate Cooperative Reconstruction Center
- Prof. Junichi Hirota, Professor at Iwate University Department of Agriculture
- Mr. Eiichi Sako, Director of the Miyako City Suehiro-cho Shopping District Promotion Association
- Mr. Haruhisa Oyama, Director of the Morioka Branch of the Bank of Japan
- Prof. Kenji Okazaki, Professor at GRIPS
- Specially-appointed Prof. Fumio Takeda, Specially-appointed Professor at Kyoto University
- Mr. Kousuke Motani, Chief Researcher at the Japan Research Institute Investigative Department