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2009.12.16 Education
Two GRIPS alumni selected as finalists for 2009 Global Development Awards and Medals Competition
Two of GRIPS alumni’s research papers have been shortlisted for the Global Development Network’s (GDN) prestigious Medals for Research on Development 2009.
Giang Thanh Long from Vietman and Mizanur Rahman from Bangladesh both received their Ph.D. from GRIPS in 2008.
Selected papers:
?”International Remittances and Welfare of the Vietnamese Households during Economic Transformation” by Thanh Long Giang (Vietnam)
?”Regional Exchange Rate Management and Trade Integration in East Asia” by Mizanur Rahman (Bangladesh)
They have been invited to present their papers at the 11th Annual Global Development Conference, to be held 16-18 January, 2010 in Prague, Czech Republic. The final award winners will be announced by a board of reviewers after the presentations.
*GDN is a global network of research and policy institutes working together to address problems of national and regional development. By facilitating knowledge sharing among researchers and policy makers, and bridging the gap between ideas and policies, GDN aims to contribute to advance development in developing countries.
The Global Development Awards and Medals Competition, launched in 2000, is a unique competition for promoting research on development. With the support of the Government of Japan, this competition seeks to unearth new talent and support innovative ideas on development.