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The 161st GRIPS Forum “Japan Health Diplomacy: Past, Present and Future – Asia Human Wellbeing Initiative”

The 161st GRIPS Forum “Japan Health Diplomacy: Past, Present and Future – Asia Human Wellbeing Initiative”

At the 161st GRIPS Forum on 17 December, 2018, ?Mr. Keizo Takemi, Member, House of Councillors; Chairperson, Special Committee on Global Health Strategy, LDP,? gave a lecture titled “Japan Health Diplomacy: Past, Present and Future – Asia Human Wellbeing Initiative”.


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Speakers’ Profile:

1976???? M. A. from Keio University

1992???? Visiting Scholar at the Fairbanks Center for East Asian Research at Harvard University.

1995???? Served in the House of Councillors

1995 to 2016, Professor at Tokai University

1996??? Vice Chairman of the Institute of Strategic Peace and International Affairs at Tokai University

1998???? State Secretary for Foreign Affairs in the Obuchi Cabinet in 1998

2006??? The First Abe administration’s cabinet as Senior Vice Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare

2013???? The Chair of the Parliamentary Caucus on Stop TB Partnership since March 2013

2014???? Chairperson, Special Mission Committee on Global Health Strategy

2017???? Chairman, LDP Policy Board in the House of Councillors

2018???? Chairperson, Special Committee on Global health Strategy,

Member, UHC Financing Advisory Committee for the G20 2019

he was appointed Commissioner, Consumer Affairs Agency in 2016. After practicing the law in Tokyo, she studied in the US and worked at a global financial institution. She joined the Ministry of Justice in 2000. As a member of the Japanese delegates, she participated in various international fora, such as UN Congress/Commissions, OECD/FATF, G7/G8. She taught at the Tokyo Univ. “Human Security” program. (Admitted to the Japanese Bar in 1983 and the New York State Bar in 1989.)

Date/Time2018.12.17 16:40~18:10
SpeakerMr. Keizo Takemi, Member, House of Councillors; Chairperson, Special Committee on Global Health Strategy, LDP

Japan Health Diplomacy: Past, Present and Future - Asia Human Wellbeing Initiative

VenueSoukairou Hall, 1F, GRIPS
FeeFree (Pre-registration is required)
LanguageEnglish (Japanese simultaneous interpretation provided)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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