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The 140th GRIPS Forum “Initiatives related to Defense Equipment and Technology in Japan”

At the 140th GRIPS Forum on May 29, 2017, Dr. Hideaki Watanabe, Commissioner of Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency (ATLA), Ministry of Defense, gave a lecture titled “Initiatives related to Defense Equipment and Technology in Japan”.





The security environment surrounding Japan is becoming more harsh. In this situation, action in the following four fields is becoming indispensable for assuring the quality of defense capabilities and heightening capabilities for deterrence and response:

1) strategic research and development aimed at securing a technical superiority relative to other countries,

2) strengthening of project management for equipment,

3) promotion of cooperation in the areas of defense equipment and technology, and

4) maintenance and reinforcement of the infrastructure for defense production and technology.

The address presents approaches in these fields at the ATLA.


Dr. WatanabeSpeakers’ Profile:

Dr. Watanabe joined Ministry of Defense (then Japan Defense Agency) in 1979 and spent nearly 32 years as technical official. During that period, he devoted himself to developing various radar systems, high performance anechoic chambers and network security technology. As Director General for Technology in Minister’s Secretariat from August 2011 until September 2013, he was in charge of providing advice on formulating MOD’s R&D strategy and other relevant government policies. Now he currently serves as the Commissioner for ATLA, and his responsibilities include formulating the strategy for maintaining the technological superiority and enhancing of international cooperation and project management on major acquisition programs.

Date/Time2017.5.29 16:40~18:10
SpeakerDr. Hideaki Watanabe, Commissioner of Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency (ATLA), Ministry of Defense

Initiatives related to Defense Equipment and Technology in Japan

VenueSoukairou Hall, 1F, GRIPS
FeeFree (Pre-registration is required)
LanguageJapanese (English simultaneous interpretation provided)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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