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The 130th GRIPS Forum “Unearthing Beneficial Microbial Compounds: Discovery, Development International Partnerships”

At the 130th GRIPS Forum on October 30, 2016, Prof. Satoshi ?mura, Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Kitasato University, gave a lecture titled “Unearthing Beneficial Microbial Compounds: Discovery, Development International Partnerships”.


Driven by the goal to isolate as many diverse microorganisms as possible which might be beneficial in various ways for improving human lives and livelihoods, Prof. ?mura has constantly developed novel search systems and sought innovative mechanisms to promote his research and strive to maximize the return on his endeavours. As a result, he has discovered more than 500 new bioactive compounds, many having hitherto unseen or unique structures, with his work creating far-reaching and interdisciplinary benefits worldwide. His discoveries include revolutionary and ground-breaking compounds such as Cerulenin, Staurosporine, Lactacystin, and Avermectin. Focusing on a few of these exceptional compounds, Prof. ?mura described the background and particulars of their discovery and the role they and his work have played in new drug research, while also commenting on their fundamental contribution to the advancement of medicine and global public health.


Speakers’ Profile:

1958?- 1963?? ?Teacher, Sumida Tech High School (Evening Course)

1963?- 1965?? ?Research Associate, Yamanashi University

1965?- 1971?? ?Researcher, The Kitasato Institute

1968?- 1975?? ?Associate Professor, Kitasato University

1975?- 1984?? ?Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,

???????????????????? Kitasato University

1984 - 1990?? ?Director and Executive Vice President, The Kitasato Institute

1990?- 2008?? ?Director and President, The Kitasato Institute

1997?- 2003?? ?President, Joshibi University Art and Design (2007 – 2016)

2008?- 2012?? ?President Emeritus, The Kitasato Institute

2013?- Present?? ?Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Kitasato University

2016?- Present?? ?President Emeritus, Joshibi University Art and Design

2016?- Present?? ?Max Tishler Emeritus Professor in Chemistry (Wesleyan University, USA)


Person of Cultural Merit (2012),
The Order of Cultural Merit (2015)
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (2015)


Ph.D. – 1968 The University of Tokyo (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Ph.D. – 1970 Tokyo University of Science (Chemistry)

Date/Time2016.10.31 16:40~18:10
SpeakerProf. Satoshi ?mura, Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Kitasato University

Unearthing Beneficial Microbial Compounds: Discovery, Development International Partnerships

VenueSokairou Hall, 1F, GRIPS
FeeFree (Pre-registration is required)
LanguageJapanese (English simultaneous interpretation provided)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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