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The 118th GRIPS Forum”Present and Future of Geothermal Energy Utilization in Japan”

At the 118th GRIPS Forum on November 30, 2015, Dr. Sachio Ehara, Director of Institute for Geothermal Information; Professor Emeritus of Kyushu University gave a lecture titled “Present and Future of Geothermal Energy Utilization in Japan”.


We have a large amount of geothermal resource potential (23,470MWe) in Japan. But only a few percent of it have been developed so far. We have three main problems to be solved in order to increase utilization of geothermal energy. The first is cost efficiency. Recently, FIT (Feed In Tariffs) changed the situation drastically. The second is a national park problem. This will be solved by balancing the global environment and the local environment. The third is to construct the cooperative relation between people involved in geothermal and hot spring. Such a good relation will be realized based on the scientific understanding of the hydrothermal system. If we can solve the above problems, geothermal energy will contribute much more to global warming issue and energy demand. Appropriate introduction of geothermal energy will also contribute to regional development.



Speakers’ Profile:

He was a researcher at Hokkaido University and Kyushu University. He was also Professor of Geothermics at Kyushu University. He was the President of the Geothermal Research Society of Japan and was a member of the BOD of International Geothermal Association. He was a visiting Professor at the University of Auckland, NZ. He was a chairman of NEDO committee for promotion of geothermal energy development of Japan. He retired from Kyushu University in March, 2012. He is Professor Emeritus at Kyushu University and is also a chairman of JOGMEC committee for geothermal resources and technologies.

Date/Time2015.11.30 16:40~18:10
SpeakerDr. Sachio Ehara, Director, Institute for Geothermal Information / Professor Emeritus, Kyushu University

Present and Future of Geothermal Energy Utilization in Japan

VenueSokairou Hall, 1F, GRIPS
FeeFree (Pre-registration is required)
LanguageJapanese (English simultaneous interpretation provided)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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