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The 117th GRIPS Forum”Australia in the Indo-Pacific Region”

At the 117th GRIPS Forum on November 16, 2015, His Excellency The Hon Alexander Downer, Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom gave a lecture titled “Australia in the Indo-Pacific Region”.



The rise of China is the single most important geopolitical issue of the era. The challenge we all face is to ensure that China is able, on the one hand, to get richer and commensurately more influential but on the other to engage successfully with its neighbours and the broader international community. Australia is making a contribution to a successful outcome to this regional and international challenge. Australia is not only engaging constructively with China as an economic partner but is equally building economic networks with other countries in the region, not least Japan.
Australia is also making a contribution to the security architecture of the Indo Pacific region. At the heart of Australia’s security policy is its alliance with the United States. Anchoring the United States in the security of the Indo Pacific region is axiomatic if the region is to remain stable. Australia is also reaching out developing its security relationships with other regional powers. In addition, Australia has traditional security relationships with countries further afield, in particular the United Kingdom.


Speakers’ Profile:



Doctor of Civil Laws (honoris causa)

Doctor of Philosophy from Bar Ilan University.



1984: Entering Parliament as the Member for Mayo

1994 – 1995: Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Parliamentary Liberal Party

1996 – 2007: Foreign Minister of Australia

2008 – 2014: the United Nations’ Special Advisor to the Under Secretary General on Cyprus

2013: Companion of the Order of Australia (AC)

2014: Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom

Date/Time2015.11.16 16:40~18:10
SpeakerHis Excellency The Hon Alexander Downer(Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom)

Australia in the Indo-Pacific Region

VenueSokairou Hall, 1F, GRIPS
FeeFree (Pre-registration is required)
LanguageEnglish (Japanese simultaneous interpretation provided)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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