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The 106th GRIPS Forum”Sediment-related Disasters in Japan -The current state of affairs and countermeasures taken-”

At the 106th GRIPS Forum on April 6, 2015, Dr. Hiroshi Ikeya, former Professor (Special Assignment), GRIPS, gave a lecture titled “Sediment related Disasters in Japan -The actual situation and Countermeasures-”.




Japan is known as a country that is prone to natural disasters due to the extreme nature of its environment. As sediment-related disasters occur in around 1000 locations each year in Japan and many citizens have fallen victim to such disasters, Japan has developed advanced countermeasures against sediment-related disasters.

This lecture will discuss the current state of affairs and countermeasures taken against such disasters in Japan, and will also address problems with these countermeasures using examples from recent disasters. The content of this lecture will provide useful information for taking countermeasures against sediment-related disasters that happen around the world.


Speakers’ Profile:

4.6Ikeya (2)

1968 Joined Ministry of Construction (MOC)

1996 Director, Sabo Division, Sabo Dept., (MOC)

1998 Director General, Sabo Dept., (MOC)

2000 Adviser, Sabo Technical Center (STC)

2001 Executive Director (STC)

2005 President (STC)

2007 Visiting Professor, GRIPS

2012 Professor (special assignment), GRIPS


Selected publications

“Introduction to Sabo Works”, Sankaidou, 1974   “Debris-flow Disaster”, Iwanami Shoten, 1999
“Volcanic Disasters”, Chuuoukoron-shinsha, 2003  “Story of Pine tree”, Gogatu-shobou, 2006

Date/Time2015.4.6 16:40~18:10
SpeakerDr. Hiroshi Ikeya (former Professor (Special Assignment), GRIPS)

Sediment related Disasters in Japan -The actual situation and Countermeasures-

VenueSokairo Hall, 1F, GRIPS
FeeFree (Pre-registration is required)
LanguageJapanese (English simultaneous interpretation provided)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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