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Special GRIPS Forum 3rd December “Indonesian Economy Beyond 2014:Managing Short-term Stability, Unlocking Long-term Growth”

  • Abstract

Indonesia has weathering well the recent global spillovers and market volatility. It emerged out from the so-called “fragile five” last year to become one of the most prospective economy. Macroeconomic and financial stability have been sound with relatively high economic growth. Market confidence has resumed and strong, lead to large inflows of direct and portfolio investments. The success owe to the decisive and timely responses by Bank Indonesia in close coordination with the Government through policy mix of monetary, macro prudential, and fiscal policies. Following the recent smooth democratic process, Indonesia is poised to higher, inclusive and sustainable growth over the long-term. The new Government has shown its strong determination to accelerate structural reforms in many areas: investment, infrastructure, industry, maritime, agriculture and SMEs. The recent bold decision on subsidy reform is an excellent start, and more structural reforms will follow. The lecture will discuss the recent development and prospect of Indonesia economy, and how the authorities manage stability over the short-term and unlock the growth potential over the long-term.?


Speakers’ Profile:

12.3 perry

Dr. Perry Warjiyo

Current Status:

Deputy Governor, Bank Indonesia

Past Experience :

2013 Assistant Governor for Monetary, Macroprudential and International Policy

2009-2013 Executive Director of Economic Research and Monetary Policy Department

2007-2009 Executive Director, South East Asia Voting Group (SEAVG), IMF


?Other Responsibilities:

-Lecturer, post-graduates studies , University of Indonesia
-Visiting lecturers in a number of reputable Universities in Indonesia

Date/Time2014.12.3 16:40~18:10
SpeakerDr. Perry Warjiyo; Deputy Governor, Bank Indonesia

Indonesian Economy Beyond 2014:Managing Short-term Stability, Unlocking Long-term Growth

VenueSokairo Hall, 1F, GRIPS
FeeFree (Pre-registration is required)
LanguageEnglish (Japanese simultaneous interpretation provided)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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