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Special GRIPS FORUM on May 23rd by Dr. Mohammed Gharib Bilal

  • ?Abstract

The international Community has been on the war against poverty from time immemorial. Unprecedented efforts including vast amount of money in development aid have been expended in eradicating poverty but less than satisfactory achievements have been recorded.
At the same time, the direction of international FDI flows, which was predominantly from one developed to another developed country as Transnational Corporations sought to increase market shares in higher income economies or acquire technological assets for their firms and affiliates, has changed to include other parts of the world. It is during this time when we started seeing an upsurge in FDI flows to developing countries, including Africa.
This lecture takes a genealogical approach to this changing pattern, discussing its causative factors, implications to poverty eradication efforts as well as policy challenges emanating from this shift. The lecture will make a case for the need to use the available policy space which was hitherto kept under the prerogative and whims of Multilateral Development institutions to develop robust policies that will ensure the benefits accrued from investments in massive resources discoveries trickles down to entire country’s populace.

  • Speaker’s Profile

5.23_vice president

Current status:???

Vice president of the United Republic of Tanzania

Chairman of the Council University of Dodoma

Past experiencein civil service

1976 – 1990???? University of Dar es Salaam Department of Physics

1982 – 1988???? Head of the Department of Physics

1988 – 1990???? Dean of the Faculty of Science

1990 – 1995 ??? Principal Secretary Ministry of Science Technology and Higher Education to the Union Government

1995 – 2000?????Chief Minister of Zanzibar Revolutionary Government


Other?Position and?Responsibilities

Member of Various Department of the University of Dar es Salaam– Academic Committee

Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro Tanzania


1988 – 1990??? ?Chairman Science Committee of Inter University Council of East Africa

1988 – 1990??? ?Board Member: Commission of Science and Technology

1993 – 1990??? ?Board Member: National Radiation Commission

1988 – 1990??? ?Member National Examination Council

1989 – 1995??? ?Member of the Rockfeller Foundation Forum for Children Education in Science and Technology

Date/Time2014.5.23 13:00-14:30
SpeakerDr. Mohammed Gharib Bilal, Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania

Developing country’s perspectives on the changing global patterns of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and their implications in the war against poverty: Case of Tanzania

VenueGRIPS Sokairo Hall, 1st Floor
FeeFree (prior registration required)
LanguageEnglish (Japanese simultaneous interpretation provided)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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