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The 53th GRIPS Forum“Neutral Advice of Scientists ~The Role of Scientists in the Response to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster~”

At the 53rd GRIPS Forum on October 24, 2011, Dr. Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, Director-General of the Center for Research and Development Strategy at the Japan Science and Technology Agency, gave a lecture entitled “Roles and Missions of Scientists in the Fukushima Accident.” He described the roles and responsibilities that scientists ought to have played in the face of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. The forum provided a unique opportunity to enrich the audience’s understanding of science and scientists.

Date/Time2011.10.24 16:40-18:10
SpeakerDr. Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, Director-General, Center for Research and Development Strategy,Japan Science and Technology Agency

Neutral Advice of Scientists ~The Role of Scientists in the Response to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster~

VenueGRIPS Soukairo Hall 1st Floor
LanguageJapanese(Simultaneous English)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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