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The 44th GRIPS Forum“Global Economic Trends in 2011 – Toward a New World Order?”

At the 44th GRIPS Forum entitled “Global Economic Trends in 2011 – Toward a New World Order?” held on 17 January 2011, GRIPS invited two economists, Mr. Chi Hung Kwan, Senior Fellow, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research, and Mr. Atsushi Nakajima, Chief Economist, Mizuho Research Institute Ltd., for a discussion on current world economics. Professor Hiroko Ota, the Vice President of GRIPS, served as the moderator.
At the beginning of the forum, Mr. Kwan and Mr. Nakajima each spoke for 15 minutes. Mr. Kwan’s theme was China’s current economy, and Mr. Nakajima’s theme was world economic trends. After that, they discussed economic recovery and requirements for economic growth.
There were many questions from the audience during the Q&A session. The presenters answered them respectfully, and it was a very fruitful panel discussion.

Date/Time2011.1.17 16:40-18:10
SpeakerDr. Chi Hung Kwan (Senior Fellow, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research)
Mr. Atsushi Nakajima (Chief Economist, Mizuho Research Institute Ltd.)

Global Economic Trends in 2011 – Toward a New World Order

VenueGRIPS Soukairo Hall 1st Floor
LanguageEnglish (Simultaneous Japanese)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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