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Symposium on “Utilization of Digital Technology in Future Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, in Housing, Architecture, and Urban Fields” Hosted by National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and Building Research Institute (BRI)

Purpose: The future vision of disaster prevention and mitigation in Society 5.0, promoted by the Cabinet Office, is set in the context of (a) increasing and intensifying wind and water disasters resulting from climate change, and (b) the heightened risk of massive earthquakes such as those occurring directly under the capital and in the Nankai Trough. The vision calls for "finely predicting, collecting, and analyzing disaster and disaster victim information before and after a disaster, considering the characteristics of the region," and "enabling personalized disaster prevention and evacuation support, quick rescue and material provision by local governments, and emergency responses, in collaboration with private companies, based on the results of information analysis." It is expected that digital technology will be applied in the formulation of these responses.
Hosted by National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Building Research Institute

Facilitator: Koji KATAYAMA (Professor, GRIPS)

Introductory Remarks: Tatsuya AZUHATA (Director, Dept. of Structural Engineering, BRI)

Keynote Lecture: Koichi Kusunoki (Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)


Part 1: Use of Digital Technology in Disaster Prevention in Japan and Overseas

Moderator: Koichi Kusunoki (Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)

TEO Hui Ying (Deputy Director (Survey & Geomatics) at Singapore Land Authority)
Filip Biljecki (Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore)
Shinichiro Masuda (Future City Planning Office Team, Shizuoka Prefecture)


Part 2: Current and Future Perspectives on Digital Technologies such as IoT in Disaster Prevention

Moderator: Miho Makatayama (Head of Department of Production Engineering, Building Research Institute)

Toshio Yabe (Mori Building Co., Ltd.), Yoshitaka Suzuki (Kobori Research Complex Inc.)
Yusuke Maida (Japan Architectural Drone Association)
Masaki Muto (Building Research Institute)

Click here for detail of the program agenda and speakers


This symposium can be viewed on PC, smartphone, etc (please install the ZOOM app in advance).Please register by February 12, 2024 via "Entry" below or the QR code.










Contact: National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
(e-mail: grips.sympo[at]gmail.com)
*When sending an inquiry email, Please replace [at] with “@”.


Date/TimeTuesday, February 13, 2024, at 1:30pm-5:00pm (Japan Time)
VenueOnline (ZOOM webinar)
FeeFree of charge (Pre-registration required)
LanguageJapanese/English (Simultaneous interpretation)
About Entry

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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