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The 3rd FPCI-GRIPS Public Forum 2023
<GRIPS-Global Town Hall Mini Series#2>
“In Search for a Viable Political Solution: Can the Long Lost Two-State Solution be Revived?”


Thank you for attending our webinar.

You can view the recorded webinar video via GRIPS YouTube Channel:



GRIPS is collaborating with FPCI (Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia) in convening the FPCI-GRIPS Public Forum, an open public webinar series where experts and policymakers can discuss the most pressing issues of international affairs and foreign policy with researchers and students across Southeast Asia and Japan.At the 3rd forum of the year 2023, we will focus on the Israel-Palestine conflict under the theme of “In Search for a Viable Political Solution: Can the Long Lost Two-State Solution be Revived?”

In order to broaden the scope of the Forum and incorporate the opinions of the wider international community, speakers from Africa, the Middle East, Japan and Europe will be invited to participate in the discussion through the Global Town Hall network, which is held annually by the FPCI.


〇 About the Session:

The recent attack fired by Hamas on Israel has, again, awakened the attention of the international community on the ever-prominent Israel - Palestine conflict. In the aftermath of the attack, the world now witnesses a dramatic escalation of violence with civilians bearing the brunt. With this turn of events, the immediate ceasefire is urgently needed accompanied by the massive humanitarian assistance. Furthermore, once the violence ceases, it will be more relevant than ever to explore a political solution leading to the establishment of the Palestinian State.


Brokered by the US under the Oslo Accords, the two-state solution has long been proposed to be the only feasible political solution to bring peace in the region. However, it has been more than thirty years, the conflict between the two remains. While the international community has shown support to the solution aiming at the Palestine’s statehood up to now, will the two-state solution remain a viable option after the ongoing upheaval? If not, is there any other realistic path towards a reconciliation? Will we see active international cooperation pushing for the pursuit of this solution?


Experts from Egypt, Japan, Norway and Turkey will be invited to discuss current issues and future prospects.

Please join us and watch the forum!


Refer to the e-flyer here.


〇 Date and Time: Wednesday, November 22, 2023, at 16:00-17:30(Japan time)

〇 Format of the Webinar: Zoom webinar

〇 Participation Fees: Free

〇 Language: English(No interpretation)

〇 Theme: “In Search for a Viable Political Solution: Can the Long Lost Two-State Solution be Revived?”.


〇How to access the forum(Pre-registration is required)

Please register via below URL and you will receive an invitation email.




1.Mr. Hideki Matsunaga, Director General, Middle East and Europe Dept, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan

2.Dr. Amr Hamzawy, Director of the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Egypt

3.Dr. Tugce Ersoy-Ceylan, Associate Professor at Izmir Democracy University, Turkey

4.Speaker from Norway (TBC)



Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, FPCI Founder&Chairman


〇Program (Japan Time)

16:00~16:05  Welcoming Remarks, Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, FPCI

16:05~16:10  Opening Remarks, Amb. Yutaka Iimura, GRIPS Alliance Senior Fellow

16:10~17:05  Moderated Discussion

17:05~17:25  Q&A Session

17:25~17:30  Closing


Any questions, please contact GRIPS Alliance Administrative Office via email(grips-a.webinaratgrips.ac.jp).



7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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