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GRIPS Forum: “Toward the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election”

At GRIPS Forum on October 16, 2023, Mr. Tatsuhiko Yoshizaki, Chief Economist, Sojitz Research Institute, Ltd., gave a lecture titled “Toward the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election”.




















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It is never "too early" to start thinking about the next U.S. presidential election. With a little over a year to go, the next presidential election will be held on November 5 next year. The outcome will have a tremendous impact not only on the United States, but on the entire world. At this point, the most likely outcome is a repeat of the 2020 showdown between incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump; let us analyze what will happen in the 2024 election.


Speaker: ?Mr. Tatsuhiko Yoshizaki,
??????????????Chief Economist, Sojitz Research Institute, Ltd.

?Picture_Mr. Yoshizaki















Speaker’s Profile:

Born in Toyama-city. Graduated from Hitotsubashi University. Has been an economic researcher for trading company Nissho Iwai Corp. (now Sojitz Corp.) ?Experienced Editor in Chief of “Tradepia”, company’s Public Relation Magazine, Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC, and Senior Research Fellow of the Keizai Doyukai, one of the most influential business organizations in Japan.

He is also well known as a commentator of TV Tokyo’s “News Morning Satellite” and an author of some books regarding U.S. politics and economy.?



What is GRIPS Forum?

Since its establishment in 1997, the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) has promoted research and education on a wide variety of policy issues. The GRIPS Forum invites specialists from national and local governments as well as academic and business communities to promote policy studies and expand policy networks.

Date/TimeMonday, October 16, 2023, at 16:40-18:10 pm (Japan Time)
SpeakerMr. Tatsuhiko Yoshizaki,
Chief Economist, Sojitz Research Institute, Ltd.
Title“Toward the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election”
VenueSoukairou Hall (First Floor, GRIPS)
FeeFree (RSVP is required)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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