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“Indo-Pacific Cooperation: Way Forward for the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific”

1. Background

 The ASEAN dialogue partners, including Japan, the United States, Australia, and India, have been presenting their ideas on what the future cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region should be. At the East Asia Summit in November 2019, the AOIP received consensus from ASEAN dialogue countries.

 In order to discuss future Indo-Pacific cooperation with a focus on support for the AOIP put forward by ASEAN, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) will hold a conference under the theme of ” Indo-Pacific Cooperation: Way Forward for the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific” in cooperation with CSIS Indonesia and RSIS Singapore.

The conference will have researchers of universities and research institutes from the countries which participated in the East Asia Summit.


2. Objectives

 Based on the Policy Research Network on Contemporary Southeast Asia (PRN-SEA), which is a research network of universities and research institutes in Southeast Asia and Japan, a conference will be held among Japan, ASEAN, and other ASEAN dialogue partners.

 In this conference, they will exchange views in the fields of economics, politics, and security, and discuss concrete cooperation in line with the AOIP’s priority areas of maritime cooperation, connectivity, SDGs, and other economic cooperation.


3. Details

(1) Theme

 ”Indo-Pacific Cooperation: Way Forward for the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific”

(2) Organizer

 CSIS, Indonesia (with cooperation from RSIS, Singapore and GRIPS)

(3) Date and Time

 Wed, November 10th, 2021, 11:00-14:30 and 21:00-22:20 (Japan time)

(4) Format

 Zoom Conference (free of charge)

(5) Language

 English (Simultaneous interpretation to Japanese is available)

(6) Program (Japan time)


11:00-11:20 Opening Remarks

Mr. Jusuf Wanandi

Vice Chairman,Board of Trustees, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Foundation


H.E. Ambassador Yutaka Iimura

Senior Fellow, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan


Ambassador Ong Keng Yong

Executive Deputy Chairman, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS)
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


11:20-13:00 Session 1

Evolving Strategic Environment and a Free and Open Order Based on the Rule of Law in Indo-Pacific



Dr.Shafiah F. Muhibat

Head Department of International Relations CSIS Indonesia



Dr. Le Dinh Tinh

Director General,Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam


Prof. Akihiko Tanaka

President, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan


Dr. Lee Jaehyon

Director, Center for ASEAN and Oceania Studies The Asan Institute for Policy Studies, Republic of Korea


Dr. Cheng-Chwee Kuik

Head Center for Asian Studies,Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


13:10-14:30 Session 2

Changing Economic Order in the Indo-Pacific



Dr. Bethan Greener     

Associate Professor, Massey University, New Zealand



Dr. Jayant Menon

Visiting Senior Research Fellow,Regional Economic Studies Program


ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore


Dr. Ekaterina Koldunova

Acting Director, ASEAN Centre Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Russia


Ms. Melissa Conley Tyler

Program Lead Asia-Pacific Development, Diplomacy, and Defense Dialogue,



21:00-22:20 Session 3

Way Forward for AOIP: Concrete Initiatives and Role of ASEAN Dialogue Partners

※Session 3 will be held in the evening due to the time difference as researchers from Asia, Oceania, and North America will participate in the conference.



Dr. Yusuke Takagi

Associate Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies,Japan



Dr. Ann Marie Murphy

Professor & Director, Center for Foreign Policy Studies School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Seton Hall University, United States of America


H.E. Dr. Rizal Sukma

Senior Fellow, CSIS Indonesia

Ambassador of Indonesia to the United Kingdom, Ireland, and International Maritime Organization (2016-2020)


Prof. Zhang Yunling

President, Institute of International Studies Shandong University,People’s Republic of China


Dr. Jagannath P. Panda

Research Fellow & Coordinator, East Asia Center

Manohar Parrikar-Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, India


4. How to Register

Please register via below URL and you will receive an invitation email.








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