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CSIS-GRIPS-RSIS Policy Research Network on Contemporary South East Asia (PRN-SEA) Webinar ”The Way forward for the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) – Partnership between Japan and ASEAN to Promote an Inclusive AOIP”

【The webinar was held successfully】

Thank you for attending the webinar.

You can view the recorded webinar video via GRIPS YouTube Channel:

Speaker’s presentation slide is available:”The Way forward for the AOIP”


Policy Research Network on Contemporary South East Asia (PRN-SEA) Project has started 3 webinars series, focusing on the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) under the cooperation of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia, the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), and the S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University Singapore.

GRIPS will host the 3rd webinar of the series and Prof. Kunihiko Shinoda, GRIPS will make a presentation under the title of “The Way forward for the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) – Partnership between Japan and ASEAN to Promote an Inclusive AOIP”

Please join us and watch the webinar.

○Date and Time: Friday, 22 October 2021 at 16:30-18:00(Japan time)

(Singapore 15:30-17:00 Indonesia WIB 14:30-16:00)

○Format of the Webinar: Zoom webinar

 Participation Fees: Free

Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation to Japanese is available)

○Theme: “The Way forward for the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) – Partnership between Japan and ASEAN to Promote an Inclusive AOIP”


In the midst of the ongoing strategic competition between the United States and China, Japan proposed the Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) Initiative in 2016, believing that the Indo-Pacific should become a stage for international cooperation and collaboration rather than an arena for geopolitical confrontation and tension. ASEAN announced the AOIP in 2019, and the United States, Australia, India, and European countries made public their own Indo-Pacific concept.

Given the current situations, there is a need to rebuild strategic equilibrium and a system of international coordination and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region in the future, while respecting the centrality and unity of ASEAN and promoting the materialization of inclusive AOIP cooperation projects involving more ASEAN dialogue partners.

This webinar will focus on the principles and norms, the content of cooperation, and the implementation mechanism of the Indo-Pacific Initiative and will aim to discuss a concrete path toward the materialization of AOIP cooperation.

○How to access the webinar: (Pre-registration required)

Register via below URL and you will receive an invitation email.


○Program(Japan Time):

16:30- Moderator opens the webinar

1) 16:35-  Introductory Remarks

  Trim(SmallSize)RE_Iimura Senior Fellow

Amb. Yutaka Iimura

Former Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia

Senior Fellow, Visiting Professor,

GRIPS Alliance, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

2) 16:45-   Presentation


  Trim(Small)Prof.Shinoda Photo

 Prof. Kunihiko Shinoda

Professor & Executive Advisor,

GRIPS Alliance, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

3)17:15-  Comments from discussants


Dr. Alan Chong

Associate Professor, Head of Centre for Multilateralism Studies,

RSIS Singapore

  Dr. Shafiah Muhibat

Head of Dept. of International Relations

CSIS Indonesia


  Dr. Philips J. Vermonte

Executive Director

CSIS Indonesia

4)17:30- Q&A Session


You can watch the series of CSIS-GRIPS-RSIS PRN-SEA Webinar via GRIPS YouTube Channel.

(1Page)Webinar 1022 Flyer Draft 1008Rev

Date/Time2021.10.22 16:30-18:00 Japan time (15:30-17:00 Singapore, 14:30-16:00 Indonesia WIB )
Speaker●Speaker: Prof. Kunihiko Shinoda, Professor and Executive Advisor, GRIPS Alliance, GRIPS
●Introductory Remarks: Yutaka Iimura, Senior Fellow, Visiting Professor, GRIPS Alliance, GRIPS
Dr. Alan Chong, Associate Professor, Head of Centre for Multilateralism Studies, RSIS Singapore
Dr. Shafiah Muhibat, Head of Dept. of International Relations, CSIS Indonesia
TitleThe Way forward for the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) - Partnership between Japan and ASEAN to Promote an Inclusive AOIP
VenueZoom Webinar
LanguageEnglish (Simultaneous interpretation to Japanese available)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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