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GRIPS Forum “Challenges of Social Business – Case of a chocolate startup  “Dari K” ”

At GRIPS Forum on October 11, 2021, Mr. Keiichi Yoshino, President, Dari K Co., Ltd., gave a lecture titled “Challenges of Social Business – Case of a chocolate startup  “Dari K” ”.



A lot of people around the world love chocolate.

However, there are wide-ranging issues in the upstream of chocolate supply chain, such as poverty of cocoa farmers, child labor and climate change.

Founded in 2011, Dari K is a mission-driven startup striving to solve these social problems. In this lecture, I will talk about the challenges that Dari K has faced and struggled with through 10 years of management experience, which include;

- The reason why I quit a financial analyst job and jumped into the chocolate industry
- Dari K’s unique approach different from general fair trade
- Adaptation measurement against climate change
- Background to the adoption of products at convenience stores
- Development of food tech

Speaker: Mr. Keiichi Yoshino,

President, Dari K Co., Ltd.


Speaker’s Profile:

Born in 1981.Founded Dari K Co., Ltd in 2011, when he knew the absurd reality of cocoa

trading that the price is determined in NY and London far way from the productions sites
and regardless of the quality.
After graduating from Keio University, he finished his master’s degree in Kyoto University
and Oxford University. Former financial analyst at an investment bank and a hedge fund.

Date/Time2021.10.11 17:10~18:40 (Japan Time)
SpeakerMr. Keiichi Yoshino, President, Dari K Co., Ltd.
TitleChallenges of Social Business – Case of a chocolate startup “Dari K”
VenueOnline (Zoom Webinar)
FeeFree (Pre-registration is required)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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