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GRIPS Forum “Cities and the Transport Sector: SDG Work Roles and Challenges”


At GRIPS Forum on 11 November, 2019, Mr. Miyoshi KATO(Executive Fellow in charge of Energy and Environment, Energy Division, TAISEI CORPORATION), Dr. Akihiko TANAKA (President of GRIPS, Former President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)), Dr. Hideo TOKUYAMA (Executive Advisor of DENTSU INC., Adjunct Professor of GRIPS, Ex Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) and Dr. Shuzo MURAKAMI (Professor Emeritus of The University of Tokyo, Representative Director of Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation(IBEC)) held a panel discussion with introduction titled “Cities and the Transport Sector: SDG Work Roles and Challenges”.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are recognized as global goals. Towards the achievement of those goals, many actions are under way in the private sector in Europe and the US. In Japan too, both the government and the private sector, including the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), are taking initiatives towards achievement of the SDGs. However, since the scope of the goals is so broad, some are still considering what actions to take.

Under the leadership of GRIPS President Akihiko Tanaka, the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies is taking actions to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. In this GRIPS Forum event, panelists from industry, academia and government will discuss the challenges posed by SDG work, and the roles that cities and transport sector entities can play so as to contribute to and intensify actions towards the SDGs.

Speakers: Mr. Miyoshi KATO, Executive Fellow in charge of Energy and Environment,


Dr. Akihiko TANAKA, President of GRIPS,

Former President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Dr. Hideo TOKUYAMA, Executive Advisor of DENTSU INC.,

Adjunct Professor of GRIPS,

Ex Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

Dr. Shuzo MURAKAMI, Professor Emeritus of The University of Tokyo,

Representative Director of Institute for Building Environment and

Date/Time2019.11.11 16:40~18:10
SpeakerMr. Miyoshi KATO (Executive Fellow in charge of Energy and Environment, Energy Division, TAISEI CORPORATION) Dr. Akihiko TANAKA (President of GRIPS, Former President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Dr. Hideo TOKUYAMA (Executive Advisor of DENTSU INC., Adjunct Professor of GRIPS, Ex Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism), Dr. Shuzo MURAKAMI (Professor Emeritus of The University of Tokyo, Representative Director of Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation(IBEC) )
TitleCities and the Transport Sector: SDG Work Roles and Challenges
VenueSoukairou Hall, 1F, GRIPS
FeeGeneral Participants: JPY 2,000 (Tax included)
LanguageJapanese (English simultaneous interpretation provided)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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