
News & Events

News & Events

Events Information


GRIPS Summer Program 2013









The mission of the GRIPS Summer Program is to provide challenging and interesting activities that will enhance participants’ practical policy-making skills. Conceived as a way to approach complex policy issues from a multi- disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective, the GRIPS Summer Program offers activities that require participants to use pragmatic skills and a multiplicity of discipline-based knowledge in order to address various real-life policy issues. Currently, the Summer Program is organized around four major activity areas:


(1) Seminars, Symposium, and Student Conference

(2) Policy Workshops

(3) Research Tours

(4) Sports, Entertainment, and Culture


The activities chosen in each area reflect the interests and talents of our students. All activities will take place in August and the beginning of September.


The Summer Program has attracted widespread interest from domestic and international government agencies, NGOs, and private individuals and organizations.


We invite you to join us this summer! Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn new things, meet interesting people, and make new discoveries. We look forward to your active participation.


Learn more about the Summer Program Activities or check the Events Calender.


Online Registration

Registrations for all events and activities must be made online. We will keep adding new activities as we go along so please check back regularly for the latest updates.


Check the Registration Page here.


7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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