The earliest that you can submit a visa application for an extension is 3 months prior to the expiration date. Be sure to apply for a visa extension at least 2 months before the expiration date. The deadline is 10 days prior to the expiration date.
Procedures |
- Download the excel file for Application Form.
- Send the completed form to the Student Office via e-mail with “Visa Extension” written in the subject line.
- Provide Required Items to the Student Office.
- Go to the Immigration Bureau with all the documents show at For Immigration Bureau.
- Present your updated Residence Card to your local city office.
- Upload image of the updated Residence Card to G-way ("Student Profile Update" menu --> "Residence Card Upload".
Require items to the Student Office |
- Transcript*
- Certificate of Enrollment*
- Certificate of Scholarship Award*
- (*Apply to AST via G-way)
- A copy of your Student ID Card
- A copy of your Residence Card (both sides)
- A copy of the photo page in your passport
- A copy of the page(s) in your passport showing the landing permission and the most recent extension permission
For Immigration Bureau |
- Application Form with GRIPS seal
- Transcript
- Certificate of Enrollment
- Certificate of Scholarship Award
- Residence Card
- Passport
- Student ID Card
- Photo (4 cm x 3 cm)
- 4,000 yen processing fee (payment must be made with revenue stamps)