



Health / Insurance


? Insurance – National Health Insurance and Other insurances

? How to make Insurance Claim

? Medical Care – Health Service Center, Medical?Services in Foreign Languages, Counseling Service



?? 1. National?Health Insurance

Foreigners residing in Japan for three months or longer and those who are not employed must enroll the National Health Insurance (Kokumin Kenko Hoken) so that everyone can receive medical treatment with peace of mind in case of illness or injury. Formalities are carried out by the municipal office of the region in which you live.

The Student Office will help newly arrived students with signing up for the National Health Insurance System. The annual premium is paid from June through March in 10 installments.


Calculation of the premium is based on the annual income of NHI household members. Upon joining the National Health Insurance System, you will receive a National Health Insurance Card. If you show your card at a hospital or a clinic when you receive medical treatment.


NHI card holders only need to pay 30% of ?the incurred medical costs.


▼Sample for the National Health Insurance (Kokumin Kenko Hoken)



? 2. Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives Coupled with “Gakkensai”

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? for International Students (Inbound Futai Gakusou)


Upon enrollment in the university, all GRIPS students* are automatically entered into Inbound Futai Gakuso.

*EPP, DMP, MSP, students and IMF scholars will be entered into the insurance which is designated by each sponsor.


This insurance shall cover indemnity liabilities, medical treatment expenses for injury or illness, rescuer expenses, death and residual disabilities.


When you go to medical institutions for treatment, please keep the original receipts and other documents issued by them. After treatment is finished, please follow the steps below for claims.


▼Sample for the policyholder’s Certificate for Comprehensive Insurance? (Explanation of items in the policyholder’s certificate (PDF))


★ How to make a claim? ★

Visit the following page: http://www.jees.or.jp/gakkensai/inbound.htm

Download and fill out?Incident Report Form (only English and Japanese are acceptable).

Send the form to insclaim.futaigakuso@tmnf.jp (Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.).

Tokyo Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. shall contact you or send the necessary documents for claims to you by post.

After filling out the necessary documents, send them back to Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. with the original receipts issued by the medical institutions, such as hospitals or pharmacies.


Medical Care

? Health Services Center


GRIPS Health Services Center provides medical and mental health services to all GRIPS students, faculty and staff.


? Medical?Services in Foreign Languages


The majority of Japanese doctors can communicate in English to a limited extent. If you wish to receive medical care in English or another language, you are advised to identify a hospital or clinic that provides foreign language services.


The very comprehensive “Guide to Emergency Medical Treatment in Tokyo” with lots of addresses and information in English can be picked up for free at most municipal and ward offices in Tokyo.


For free information about medical facilities that offer treatment in foreign languages and for information about the Japanese medical system you can also contact the following telephone information services:


Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Medical Information Centre (Tokyo-to Hoken Iryo Joho Centre)

Open hours: 9:00 – 20:00, weekdays

(2-44-1 Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku-ku)

tel: 03-5285-8181

(in English, Chinese, Korean, Thai and Spanish)

AMDA International Medical Information Centre

Open hours: 9:00 – 17:00, weekdays

tel: 03-5285-8088

(in English, Chinese, Korean, Thai and Spanish)

Saitama Emergency Medical Information Centre

Open hours: 24hrs a day

tel: 048-824-4199


? Counseling Service


GRIPS may be able to provide counseling services according to the students’ needs.

Please consult with GRIPS Health Services Center or?Student Office.


The following is a selection of English speaking information sources and counseling services:


(Tokyo English Life Line)

Tel: 03-5774-0992

Foreign Residents Advisory Centre

Tel: 03-5320-7744

Counseling International

Tel: 03-3408-0496

Ikebukuro Counseling Centre

Tel: 03-3980-8718

Japan Helpline (Emergency)

Tel: 0120-461-997

Asian Students’ Cultural Association

Tel: 03-3946-7565

Tokyo Lifeline (東京いのちの電話)

Tel: 03-3264-4343

Japan Hotline

Tel: 03-3586-0110

Japan Helpline

(emergency assistance service)

Tel: 0570-000-911

Foreign Student Information Centre

Tel: 03-5454-5216

Legal Counseling Centre

Tel: 03-3581-2302


Another useful contact may be the Foreign Residents Advisory Centre.

The Centre gives advice on problems relating to medical care, legal matters and daily life.


Foreign Residents Advisory Centre

Open hours: 9:30 am- 12:00 pm

????????????????? 13:00 – 16:00

Tokyo Metropolitan Government building

2-8-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku,

Tokyo, 163-8001



7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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