



Policy Professionals Program

Program in brief

Trains government officials, journalists, and other practitioners to develop skills for policy analysis through a case study approach

  • Program Director: Professor Jun Iio
  • Associate Director: Professor Masako Kurosawa / Professor Mikitaka Masuyama
  • Degree Offered:
    • Doctor of Policy Studies
    • Ph.D. in Government
  • Language of Instruction: Japanese
  • Time Schedule
    • Program duration…3 years
    • Enrollment…April, August, October
    • Graduation…as occasion arises
    • Application Guide…Please see here. (in Japanese only)

  *This program currently accepts students who can study in Japanese.

The central focus of this Program, based on GRIPS’ aim of training policy practitioners with a high level of both practical knowledge and policy analysis skills based on academic learning, is the execution of doctoral dissertations based on case study research. The Program specifically targets practitioners with substantial professional experience who also have basic policy analysis skills.

First-year students, in principle, attend an intensive series of lectures and seminars, and create a thesis outline. After their second year, they return to their workplaces and their professional duties while continuing dissertation in order to complete their research and earn a doctorate within three years.

The Program seeks to make maximum use of students’ experience and awareness of policy issues, combining this efficiently with academic training at GRIPS to generate outstanding case study research and, in the process, hone students’ skills as top-class policy practitioners. To this end, the curriculum focuses on development of analytical skills in the necessary academic disciplines, broadening of students’ perspectives, and teaching of research skills through such endeavors as thesis writing. In addition to the disciplines of politics and public administration, the program draws widely on areas such as economics, international relations, law, and engineering.

Entry is, in principle, limited to policy practitioners who hold master’s degrees and have the necessary practical experience and/or research skills to undertake case study research at the doctoral level. They should have at least 10 years’ experience working in organizations such as government departments, journalism, or non-profit organizations.

Policy Professionals Program Curriculum 2024 (as of April 2024)

Category Course Name Instructor
Ⅱ選択必修科目 政策過程論特別演習(Special Seminar for Policy Process) Iio
事例研究方法論(Scope and Methods of Case Studies) Iio
社会科学方法論=質的分析(Social Science Methodology for Qualitative Analysis) Iio
社会科学方法論=量的分析(Social Science Methodology for Quantitative Analysis) Masuyama
Ⅲ 選択科目 日本政治研究特別演習(Special Seminar for Japanese Politics) Takenaka
Advanced International Relations in East Asia Takagi
行政学特別演習(Special Seminar for Public Administration) TBA
政策過程論(Policy Process) Iio
Advanced International Relations Brummer
Politics and Diplomacy in Postwar Japan Kitaoka, Pressello
Advanced International Security Studies Michishita
Comparative Politics Takenaka
Politics of Global Money and Finance(Advanced) Chey
Advanced Comparative Political Economy Kanchoochat
Advanced International Relations in Europe Iwama
Mathematical Modeling Analysis / 数理モデル分析




Quantitative Data Analysis












本学で開講されている科目のうち、政策プロフェッショナルプログラム委員会が定めた科目(Courses not listed in this table, admitted by the Program Committee.)
X その他 プロフェッショナル?コミュニケーションセンター開講科目(Courses offered by the Center for Professional Communication)

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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