



GRIPS Global Governance Program (G-cube)

In AY2021, the Security and International Studies Program has been merged into the G-cube program as a G-cube concentration, joining the Global Governance Studies Concentration and the International Development Studies Concentration. Please see the curriculum below.

Program in brief

Equips students to become Leader of Leaders for government, business, and international arenas.

  • Program Director: Professor Kazushi Takahashi
  • Associate Director: Vice President, Professor Yoko Kijima / Associate Professor Yusuke Takagi / Professor Yoko Iwama
  • Degrees Offered:

Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies

Ph.D. in International Relations

Ph.D. in International Development Studies

  • Scholarship: GRIPS Fellowship, JICA Scholarship
  • Language of Instruction: English
  • Time Schedule:
    • Program Duration…3 years
    • Enrollment…October
    • Graduation…September
  • How to Apply

? For further information, please visit the GRIPS Global Governance (G-cube) website.

General Description

The world is faced with new and serious problems, such as financial crises, terrorism, energy challenges, and environmental issues. Behind them lie conflicting interests, large value gaps, dysfunctional global governance systems, escalating globalization, the rise of emerging states, and drastic changes in the distribution of wealth and power in the world. A new type of leader is needed to address these problems and forge a path to a new age. These leaders require qualities, competencies, and skills that conventional institutions of higher education, which focus on nurturing highly specialized professionals, are not equipped to instill.

Against this background, this new 3-year Ph.D. program aims to produce a new type of leader for government, business, and international arenas. The program will equip its participants with: (1) a broad historical perspective, which will help them understand the true nature of policy issues and predict their overall impact, (2) strong analytical ability needed to develop insightful and effective policies, and (3) effective communication skills to convey ideas and opinions across languages, cultures, religions, and nationalities.

The curriculum has been designed to enable students to develop a broad historical perspective, strong analytical ability, and good communication skills through lectures, tutorials, and seminars taught entirely in English. A distinctive feature of the program is its teaching staff, which includes nationally and internationally renowned guest speakers—many of whom are former ministers and top business leaders—as well as first-rate GRIPS faculty.

Target Group and Eligibility

This program is open to those with a master’s degree from a recognized/accredited university, with the ability and will to become a leader of leaders. Preference is given to current government officials, or those who are interested in pursuing a career as a government official, or in international organizations.

The applicant is expected to have a record of solid academic performance at the undergraduate and graduate level, and must satisfy the English language requirement with a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (iBT79) or IELTS 6.0.

Curriculum Three Year Ph.D. Course 2022-2025

Category Course Name
Required Courses
  • Dissertation Proposal Seminar
  • G-cube Workshop
Recommended Courses
  • Tutorial I
  • Tutorial Ⅱ
  • Tutorial Ⅲ

Recommended courses by concentration (see auxiliary table below)

Elective Courses Courses not listed in this table (with the advisory committee’s approval)
X Others Courses offered by the Center for Professional Communication

[auxiliary table] Recommended Courses

Concentration Course Name                           

Growth and Governance Studies Concentration

At least 8 credits from courses below

  • Politics in Africa
  • States, Regimes, and Institutions in Contemporary Africa
  • State and Governance
  • Advanced International Relations in East Asia
  • The Making of Modern Japan (Advanced)
  • Advanced Comparative Development Studies of Asia
  • Politics and Diplomacy in Postwar Japan
  • Advanced International Security Studies
  • Comparative Politics
  • State and Politics in Southeast Asia (Advanced)
  • Advanced Comparative Political Economy
  • Advanced International Relations in Europe

At least 2 credits from courses below

  • International Development Policy
  • Introduction to Applied Econometrics
  • Applied Econometrics
  • Applied Econometrics Practice
  • Data Science for Public Policy
  • Resource and Energy Economics
  • Economic Development of Japan
  • Development Economics
  • Development History of Asia: Policy, Market and Technology
  • Agricultural Development
  • Development Econometrics
  • Economic History and Institutions
  • Theoretical Foundation of Economic Policy
  • Advanced Development Economics
  • Economics of Health and Education
  • Trade and Industrial Development

International Development Studies Concentration

At least 2 credits from courses below

  • Politics in Africa
  • States, Regimes, and Institutions in Contemporary Africa
  • State and Governance
  • Advanced International Relations in East Asia
  • The Making of Modern Japan (Advanced)
  • Advanced Comparative Development Studies of Asia
  • Politics and Diplomacy in Postwar Japan
  • Advanced International Security Studies
  • Comparative Politics
  • State and Politics in Southeast Asia (Advanced)
  • Advanced Comparative Political Economy
  • Advanced International Relations in Europe
  • International Development Policy

At least 8 credits from courses below

  • Introduction to Applied Econometrics
  • Applied Econometrics
  • Applied Econometrics Practice
  • Data Science for Public Policy
  • Resource and Energy Economics
  • Economic Development of Japan
  • Development Economics
  • Development History of Asia: Policy, Market and Technology
  • Agricultural Development
  • Development Econometrics
  • Economic History and Institutions
  • Theoretical Foundation of Economic Policy
  • Advanced Development Economics
  • Economics of Health and Education
  • Trade and Industrial Development

Security and International Studies Concentration

Group A: at least 4 credits from courses below

  • International Political Economy Workshop
  • Advanced International Relations
  • Advanced International Security Studies
  • Comparative Politics

Group B: at least 6 credits from courses below

  • Politics in Africa
  • Analysis of Great Power Politics
  • States, Regimes, and Institutions in Contemporary Africa
  • Strategic Studies Research Seminar
  • State and Governance
  • Advanced International Relations in East Asia
  • The Making of Modern Japan (Advanced)
  • Politics and Diplomacy in Postwar Japan
  • State and Politics in Southeast Asia (Advanced)
  • Politics of Global Money and Finance (Advanced)
  • Advanced Comparative Political Economy
  • Advanced International Relations in Europe
  • International Development Policy
  • Resource and Energy Economics
  • Development Economics
  • Economic Development of Japan
  • Development History of Asia: Policy, Market and Technology
  • Agricultural Development
  • Development Econometrics
  • Economic History and Institutions
  • Advanced Development Economics
  • Trade and Industrial Development

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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