



Policy Analysis Program

Program in brief

Educates individuals to research and analyze real-world policy issues

  • Program Director: Professor Minchung Hsu
  • Associate Director: Professor Ponpoje Porapakkarm
  • Degrees Offered:
    • Ph.D. in Public Economics
    • Ph.D. in Development Economics
    • Ph.D. in International Economics
    • MA in Public Economics
    • MA in Development Economics
    • MA in International Economics
  • Scholarship(for International Students Only):
    • Japanese Government (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology [MEXT])
  • Language of Instruction: English
  • Time Schedule
    • Program duration…5 years* (2-year master and 3-year doctoral courses)
    • Enrollment…October*
    • Graduation…September*
      *May vary according to student’s ability and academic background

The Policy Analysis Program (PA) is a program launched in 2008. The program prepares individuals to conduct high level research and to analyze actual policy issues, both theoretically and empirically. To this end, the program requires students to engage in economics and econometrics coursework in the early stages.

Target Group

Those who hold a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree and are interested in pursuing a career as researcher and analyst of public economics, development economics, and/or international economics are welcome to apply.

Program Design

The study of advanced economics and econometrics methodology is compulsory. By studying specific economic theories and subjects related to policy analysis, students will develop the ability to handle various policy issues. In addition to lectures, there are seminar classes aimed at increasing research skills. Students are also provided with opportunities to consider various practical issues with those who are involved in actual policy formulation and analysis through daily interactions, lectures, tutorials, and workshops.

The coursework requirements are flexible to suit the abilities of students with differing academic backgrounds. The standard enrollment time is 5 years (2-year Master and 3-year doctoral courses), though the required coursework is expected to be completed within 2-3 years. For students with a relevant masters degree, a 3 year program is also available. Those without a strong background in economics are expected to first study basic subjects for the master’s course. All students must pass the qualifying examinations required for writing a doctoral thesis.

Policy Analysis Curriculum 2021/2022

(as of April 2022)

Category Course Name Instructor
I Required Courses Advanced Microeconomics I Yamazaki
Advanced Microeconomics II Yamazaki
Advanced Macroeconomics I Porapakkarm
Advanced Macroeconomics II Fujimoto
Advanced Econometrics I Litschig
Advanced Econometrics II Hayashi
Graduate Seminar I Litschig, Matsumoto, Yamazaki, Izumi
Graduate Seminar II Litschig, Matsumoto, Yamazaki, Izumi
Graduate Seminar III Litschig, Matsumoto, Yamazaki, Izumi
II Recommended Courses Advanced Microeconomics III Munro
Advanced Microeconomics IV TBA
Advanced Macroeconomics III Hayashi
Advanced Macroeconomics IV Hsu
Advanced Econometrics III TBA
Advanced Econometrics IV Leon-Gonzalez
III Elective Courses Introduction to Applied Econometrics Wie
Mathematics for Economic Analysis Munro
Computer Programming for Economics Porapakkarm
Graduate Seminar IV Litschig, Matsumoto, Yamazaki, Izumi
Graduate Seminar V Litschig, Matsumoto, Yamazaki, Izumi
Courses not listed in this table (with program director’s approval)


Faculty involved in the supervision of PhD students in the Policy Analysis program

Name Title Specialty
Braun, Anton Professor Monetary economics, fiscal policy, health and aging
FUJIMOTO, Junichi Professor Macroeconomics
GOTO,Jun Assistant Professor Development Economics, Political Economy
HOSOE, Nobuhiro Professor Computational Economics, Economic Simulation Analysis
HSU, Minchung Professor Macroeconomics, Health Insurance, Social Insurance, Demographic Changes and Growth, Public Policy, Economic Dynamics
IZUMI, Yutaro Assistant Professor Economic History, Political Economy, Applied Microeconomics
KAWASAKI, Kenichi Professor Economics (Economic Model Analysis)
KIDOKORO, Yukihiro Professor Cost-benefit analysis, Transport Economics, Regulatory Economics
KIJIMA, Yoko Professor Development Economics
KUROSAWA, Masako Professor Economics (Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics)
LEON-GONZALEZ, Roberto Professor Econometrics
LITSCHIG, Stephan Professor Development, Public, and Political Economics, Microeconometrics
MOROHOSI, Hozumi Professor Operations Research
MUNRO, Alistair Professor Microeconomics (Behavioural public economics, environmental economics and experimental economics)
OKAMOTO, Ryosuke Associate Professor Urban Economics
PORAPAKKARM, Ponpoje Professor Macroeconomic and public policies, Economic inequalities
TAKAHASHI, Kazushi Professor Development Economics, Applied Microeconometrics
TAKENOUCHI, Takashi Professor Machine learning
TANAKA, Makoto Professor Energy, Environment, Industrial Organization
TSUCHIYA, Takashi Professor Statistical Mathematics, Mathematical Engineering
WIE, Dainn Associate Professor Labor Economics, Applied Microeconomics
XING, Yuqing Professor International Economics, Development Economics, Chinese Economy
YAMAUCHI, Chikako Associate professor Applied Microeconomics with the focus on Development, Economics and Labor Economics
YAMAZAKI, Akio Associate professor Environmental Economics

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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