



Maritime Safety and Security Policy Program

Program in brief

This program allows students to acquire the professional knowledge, analytical and communication skills needed to handle effectively a variety of maritime issues.

  • Program Director: Associate Professor Yusuke Takagi
  • Degree Offered: Master of Policy Studies
  • Language of Instruction: English
  • Time Schedule:
    • Program duration…1 year
    • Enrollment…October
    • Graduation…September
  • Financial Support
    • If you belong to any maritime safety and security related organization in eligible countries, you can apply for financial support from JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). As for eligible countries, please check with JICA office.
  • How to Apply
    • Apply for the financial support by JICA (as a participant of JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program):

    Please apply through your respective maritime safety and security related organization. For more details, please contact to:

    JICA office: Click here (JICA offices in Asia)

    JICA Chugoku Center: (mail to) cicttp@jica.go.jp

    • Externally funded or self-financed international applicants:

    MSP brochure Click here

           Online Application Click here

    The Maritime Safety and Security Policy Program (MSP) is a collaborative program designed and administered jointly by GRIPS and the Japan Coast Guard (JCG). This program makes it possible for students to benefit from the resources of both institutions in the fields of public policy, security studies, maritime safety, and maritime security. The students will have the opportunity to acquire professional knowledge, analytical skills, and communication skills relevant to their work while becoming members of a network of future coast guard leaders in the world.

    Students in this program will study in Tokyo at GRIPS during the first half of the academic year and in Kure, Hiroshima at the Japan Coast Guard Academy (JCGA)–the JCG’s most important educational institution–during the second half.

    Study at GRIPS
    After enrolling in the program, students will take required and elective courses at GRIPS from October through March. The required courses are International Relations, International Security Studies, International Law, International Relations in East Asia, and International Law of the Sea. The elective courses will enable students to deepen their knowledge in the fields of their interest. The elective subjects include courses in politics, economics, national security, and policy making.

    Study at the JCGA
    From April through July, the students will take courses and participate in practical training and educational programs at the JCGA. The required courses are Policy for Search and Rescue, Salvage and Maritime Disaster Prevention, and Maritime Police Policy. The students can further enhance their ability to effectively execute their duties as coast guard leaders in Asia through the study of a wide range of elective subjects. The JCGA’s elective courses are designed to develop students’ knowledge of science, technology, and criminal investigation, all of which are vital elements of effective policy formulation.

    The students will attend lectures focusing on past maritime incidents and possible future scenarios, offered by leading experts and JCG officers. Through lectures and discussions, they will enhance their understanding of the roles played by maritime law enforcement agencies and learn to identify best practices.

    Research Paper
    During the course of one year, each students is required to write a research paper on issues relevant to the study of maritime safety and security. In order to do so, the student will work together with two academic advisors—one each from GRIPS and the JCGA—to complete the paper before graduation.

    Target Group

    Junior coast guard officers from Japan and overseas who have more than 3 years work experience and also who are under 46 years of age as of October 1, 2022.


    • Eligible countries to apply for the financial support by JICA:

    Please inquire to JICA office: Click here (JICA offices in Asia)

    or JICA Chugoku Center: (mail to) cicttp@jica.go.jp

    • Externally funded or self-financed international applicants:

    Nationals of countries with which Japan has diplomatic relations: Click here

    Maritime Safety and Security Policy Program Curriculum 2022/2023

    (as of October 2022)




    Independent Study Various
    International Relations in East Asia Takagi
    International Relations Iwama
    International Security Studies Michishita
    International Law Shimoyama
    International Law of the Sea Furuya
    Policy for Search & Rescue, Salvage and Maritime Disaster Prevention Yamaji
    Maritime Police Policy Okuzono
    Case Study on Maritime Safety and Security Policy I Furuya
    Case Study on Maritime Safety and Security PolicyⅡ Furuya



    Essential Microeconomics Kurosawa
    Essential Macroeconomics Nibayashi
    Economic Development of Southeast Asia Kudo
    Government and Market Hatanaka
    Development Economics Kijima
    East Asian Economies Kudo
    The Making of Modern Japan Kitaoka, Pressello
    Government and Politics in Japan Masuyama
    International Political Economy Chey
    Comparative Politics Takenaka
    State and Politics in Southeast Asia Lim
    Non-Traditional Security Honna
    Analysis of Great Power Politics Iwama
    Comparative Political Economy Kanchoochat
    International Development Policy Ohno
    The World and the SDGs Tanaka
    Introduction to Quantitative Methods Morohosi
    International Comparative Criminal Law Shintani
    Introduction to Oceanography Minami
    Marine Environment and Pollution Kawamura
    Introduction to International Maritime Safety and Security Conventions Furuya
    Traffic Management Systems I Yamada
    Traffic Management Systems Ⅱ TBA
    Information Management System I Yamanaka
    Information Management System Ⅱ Isozaki
    Ship Maneuverability and Practical Operation Nakayama
    Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Engineering Kanki



    Selected Topics in Policy Studies I -IV
    Courses not listed in this table



    Describing Tables and Figures Wickens
    English for Academic Purposes O'neill, et al.
    Thesis Writing for MSP O'neill
    Qualitative Writing Wickens
    Policy Proposal Writing Petchko

    Other courses offered by the Center for Professional Communication

    Career Destinations

    Graduates of MSP Program are expected to take core positions in their coast guard agencies. While executing their duties, they also have an opportunity to disseminate the knowledge they have gained from GRIPS and the JCGA to their agencies and beyond. In addition, graduates are in a unique position to play a central role in their organizations’ international negotiations by drawing on the human networks cultivated in the program.

    MSP Alumni and Currrent students list

    1st batch
     Fathoni MEM15901
    Ahmad Fathoni

    DGST (Directorat General of Sea Transportation)

     Kamil MEM15902
    Ahmad Kamil bin Abdul Halim

    MMEA (Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency)

     Budhi MEM15903
    Budhi Asti

    BAKAMLA (Indonesia Coast Guard)

     Duong MEM15904
    Bui The Duong

    VCG (Vietnam Coast Guard)

     Minh MEM15905
    Do Van Minh

    VCG (Vietnam Coast Guard)

     GLEN MEM15906
    Glen Barsanas Daraug

    PCG (Philippine Coast Guard)

     JAY MEM15907
    Jay Tristan Tarriela

    PCG (Philippine Coast Guard)

     Shukri MEM15908
    Mohamad Shukri bin Khotob

    MMEA (Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency)

     小野寺(編集済) MEM15909
    小野寺 寛晃 / Hiroaki Onodera

    海上保安庁 / Japan Coast Guard

     米沢(編集済) MEM15910
    米沢 夏希 / Natsuki Yonezawa

    外務省 / MOFA (Ministry of Forein Affairs)

     2016年9月 1期生総理表敬(編集済) 1期生集合写真(編集済)
    2nd batch
     Mr. Chandra Kresna Riyanto (mem16805) MEM16801
    Chandra Kresna Riyanto

    National Search and Rescue Agency Republic of Indonesia

     Mr. Hizam bin Zulkifli (mem16804) MEM16802
    Hizam bin Zulkifli

    Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency/
    Malaysian Coast Guard

     Mr. Jaybom Japay Calica (mem16801) MEM16803
    Jaybom Japay Calica

    Philippine Coast Guard

     Ms. Leganie Tampoc Dy (mem16802) MEM16804
    Lejanie Tampoc Dy

    Philippine Coast Guard

     Mr. Radzli Allexender bin Raphael (mem16803) MEM16805
    Radzil Allexender bin Raphael

    Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency

     Mr. YU HANZAWA (mem16806) MEM16806
    半沢 優 / Yu Hanzawa

    海上保安庁 / Japan Coast Guard

     Group Photo 1(編集済) Group Photo 2(編集済)
    3rd batch
     Abd Hafis bin Hussin_編集済 MEM17801
    Abd Hafis bin Hussin

    Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA)

     Adzizul bin Latip_編集済 MEM17802
    Adzizul Bin Latip

    Abu Bakar Maritime Base (Middle Rock)

     Tony Rajinda Daniel_編集済 MEM17803
    Tony Rajinda Daniel

    Sri Lanka Coast Guard (SLCG)

     Eleizer Gonzales Ibarrientos_編集済 MEM17804
    Eleizer Gonzales Ibarrientos

    Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)

     Mohd Noor Haidzir bin Mohd Fauzi_編集済 MEM17805
    Mohd Noor Haidzir bin Mohd Fauzi

    Marine Department Malaysia

     梶屋_編集済 MEM17806
    梶屋 優一 / Yuichi Kajiya

    海上保安庁 / Japan Coast Guard

     野原昌子_編集済 MEM17807
    野原 昌子 / Masako Nohara

    海上保安庁 / Japan Coast Guard

     3期生全体(編集済) 3期生全体3(編集済)
    4th batch
     Godda_SriLankaCG_editted MEM18801
    Buddhika Ajith Godakanda

    Sri Lanka Coast Guard (SLCG)

     Dhana_ICG_editted MEM18802
    Dhanapandian Manoharan

    Indian Coast Guard

     Rod_PCG_editted MEM18803
    Hernandez Rodel Bocalan

    Philippine Coast Guard

     Mahantha Mulla Gamage Uditha Roshan Gamage_editted MEM18804
    Mahantha Mulla Gamage Uditha Roshan Gamage

    Sri Lanka Coast Guard (SLCG)

     Mohd Nizam Bin Mohd Yasin_editted MEM18805
    Mohd Nizam Bin Mohd Yasin

    Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA)

     Muhamad Izuar Bin Zainudin_editted MEM18806
    Muhamad Izuar Bin Zainudin

    Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA)

     Phuong_editted MEM18807
    Tran Nam Phuong

    Vietnam Coast Guard

     Futoshi MEM18808
    奥村 太 / Futoshi Okumura

    海上保安庁 / Japan Coast Guard

     Akagi_edited MEM18809
    赤木 貴法 / Takanori Akagi

    海上保安庁 / Japan Coast Guard

     Group_4th_Edited group photo
    5th batch
     mem19801 Panupong Jamruenvong MEM19801
    Panupong Jamruenvong

    Thai Maritime Enforcement Command Center Jamruenvong

     mem19802 MEM19802
    Jude Greanata Dollesin

    Philippine Coast Guard

     mem19803 MEM19803
    Mohd Nashrul Bin Nashahar

    Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency

     mem19804 MEM19804
    Niranjan Pratap Singh

    Indian Coast Guard

     mem19805 MEM19805
    Senevirathna Asanka Prathap

    Sri Lanka Coast Guard

     mem19806 MEM19806
    Mudiyanselage Wijitha Mahanama

    Sri Lanka Coast Guard

     mem19807 MEM19807
    佐々木 慧 / Kei Sasaki

    海上保安庁 / Japan Coast Guard

     mem19808 MEM19808
    坂上 悠 / Yu Sakaue

    海上保安庁 / Japan Coast Guard

     Group1 Group2
    6th batch
     rbt MEM20801
    Rangana Athukorala

    Sri Lanka Coast Guard

     MEM20802 Noemie MEM20802
    Noemie Guirao-Cayabyab

    Philippine Coast Guard

     MEM20803 Chintaka MEM20803
    Kalukapuge Chinthaka Kumara Kalukapuge

    Sri Lanka Coast Guard

     MEM20804 Jeremiah MEM20804
    Perez Jeremiah Marquez

    Maritime Industry Authority

     MEM20805 Worawit MEM20805
    Poolperm, LT. Worawit

    The Royal Thai Naval Special Warfare Command / Thai Maritime Enforcement Command Center 

     MEM20807 Mio MEM20807
    安藤 美緒 / Mio Ando

    海上保安庁 / Japan Coast Guard

     MEM20808 Taki MEM20808
    髙城  陽平 / Yohei Taki

    海上保安庁 / Japan Coast Guard

     MSP 6th 202103_桜の木の下で(MSP6期生)②

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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