



Temporary Leave and Change of Student Status at GRIPS

Temporary Leave

If you need to leave Japan temporarily during your authorized period of stay, you are required to fill out a “Request for Temporary Leave” form and submit it to the International Programs Team (IPT) at least two weeks prior to your planned date of departure. Before making any plans, you have to make sure that they will not conflict with your study and other academic events at GRIPS. The form is available at the IPT counter. Prior to the submission of the form, fill in the class names you will miss during your trip, obtain permission from the professors of each class (including your advisor for Independent Study / Policy Paper / Policy Proposal Paper and intensive courses), and receive an approval by the Program Director (Master’s Program) / Advisor (Doctoral Program).

A new residency management system has been effective since July 9, 2012 in Japan. Under this new system, a special re-entry permit system has also been introduced. You are not required to apply for a re-entry permit if you possess a valid passport, residency card, and will return to Japan within one year of your departure. Make sure to bring your Residency Card, which must be shown when you leave and re-enter Japan. For details, please visit the website of the Immigration Bureau of Japan.


As soon as you come back to Japan, you are requested to notify the IPT of your return and sign the “Confirmation of Return” section of the “Request for Temporary Leave” form.

Leave of Absence


In the event that you cannot attend school for more than three months because of a compelling reason, such as illness, you may take leave of absence with the permission of the President of GRIPS.


The period of leave of absence is for up to two years for master’s students and three years for doctoral students.

* The period of leave of absence will not count toward the required term of study (master’s: maximum four years; doctoral: maximum six years).

Procedures to Apply for Leave of Absence
  1. Consult with your main advisor and program director about your future plan of study (course work and dissertation).
  2. Complete the following before applying for leave of absence:
    • Return all books to the GRIPS Library
    • Return your GRIPS computer
    • Clean out your desktop and drawers
    • Check your scholarship matters (if applicable)
    • Pay delinquent tuition (if applicable)
  3. Apply for leave of absence through our online system, GRIPS Gateway (G-way) three weeks before the date you expect to begin the leave. In the event that your leave of absence is due to sickness, please also submit a medical doctor’s report.
  4. After your application is permitted, the AST will issue the Permission for Leave of Absence and will hand or mail it to your home address.
Tuition Fees

You are generally exempted from paying tuition while you are on leave of absence. However, if you take leave of absence in the middle of a term, your tuition for that term is nonrefundable. Please notify us by March 1 if you know you will need to take a leave during the spring-summer term (April-September) and by September 1 for a leave during the fall-winter term (October-March). Without advance notice, you will be required to pay the six-month tuition.


The following services are available during your leave of absence:

  • Issuance of certificates (transcript, etc.)
  • Use of GRIPS email address
  • Use of GRIPS library (You must return all books you have borrowed before applying for a leave.)

If you would like to extend the duration of your leave of absence, please consult with your main advisor and program director and apply for extension of leave of absence through our online system three weeks before your leave is due to expire.

Address Change

If your address changes during your leave of absence, please obtain a “Notification of Address Change” form from the Academic Support Team (AST) and submit the filled form to the AST.


Procedure for Reenrollment at the Expiration of a Leave of Absence

Please consult with your main advisor and program director and apply for expiration of leave of absence through our online system three weeks before the expected reenrollment date.

Reenrollment before Expiration

You can reenroll in GRIPS with the President’s permission even before your period of leave of absence expires. Please consult with your main advisor and program director and apply for reenrollment through our online system three weeks before the expected reenrollment date.


Procedures to Apply for Withdrawal from GRIPS
  1. If you intend to withdraw from GRIPS, please obtain approval from your main advisor and program director and apply for withdrawal through our online system three weeks before the expected date of withdrawal. In the event that your withdrawal is due to sickness, please also submit a medical doctor’s report.
  2. Complete the following before applying for withdrawal:
    • Return all books to the GRIPS Library
    • Return your GRIPS computer
    • Clean out your desktop and drawers
    • Check your scholarship matters (if applicable)
    • Pay delinquent tuition (if applicable)*
      *If you withdraw in the middle of a term, your tuition for that term is nonrefundable.
  3. You must return your student ID card.
  4. After your application is permitted, the AST will issue the Permission to Withdraw from GRIPS upon receipt your student ID card. If you return your ID card by mail, the AST will mail the permission to your home address.

Academic Support Team
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677, Japan
Tel:+81-(0)3-6439-6042 Fax:+81-(0)3-6439-6040
Email: astatgrips.ac.jp

7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677

TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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