



Evaluation Criteria & Assessment Structure for Master’s Degree Theses and Papers

I. Evaluation Criteria

Most of the students at GRIPS are mid-career bureaucrats sent from governmental organizations and, thus, master’s theses are aimed at improving policymaking ability. Specific policy issues that are of interest to each individual student are selected, with analyses of policy effectiveness carried out based on disciplines in various inter-disciplinary academic fields (economics, politics, public administration, engineering, etc.) along with analyses such as policy evaluation. When evaluating a master’s thesis or research paper on a specific topic, criteria for assessment shall be determined by the degree of objective and rational analyses, based on various scholarly methodologies in accordance with the topic’s distinguishing features, as evaluated independently by each respective program.

Each program must thoroughly disseminate the evaluation criteria during the orientation process at the start of each course.

II. Assessment Structure

Each program should organize viva voce presentations that include question and answer sessions, with the assessment status decided by judges composed of academic supervisors and program committee members. Based on assessment results, final passing status will be determined by the Board of Research and Education, following an assessment by the Master’s Programs Committee.

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