



Disciplinary Policy in the Event of Student Misconduct

Misconduct in Academic Activities

1. Misconduct during an examination refers to any behavior considered improper for a graduate student under instruction, such as using non-permitted materials in a test site, including “cheat notes” constructed by the student, non-permitted devices, or another person’s answer sheets.

2. Misconduct in the context of a research paper refers to the unattributed use of a source of information that is not considered common knowledge (plagiarism), intentional falsification of analytical results and/or research data, and other such unsuitable behaviors.

Misconduct in Non-Academic Activities

Misconduct in Non-Academic Activities refers to any conduct that would disrupt the good order of the university, or any unsuitable behavior for a student under instruction.


1. In accordance with Article 56 of the School Regulations, disciplinary action taken with regard to students found guilty of misconduct may include a reprimand, suspension, or expulsion from the university. Suspension may be of two types, either for a period of between one week and three months, or for a period of six months. The date on which the disciplinary action goes into effect shall in principle be the same date on which the notice of said action is issued.

2. Treatment of misconduct in academic activities

  • In the event of a reprimand, the student’s enrollment in the relevant course shall be annulled.
  • In the event of a suspension, the student’s enrollment in the relevant course shall be annulled. Further, depending on the severity of the case, the student’s enrollment in all courses for the relevant term (the term in which the misconduct occurred) or the relevant school year may also be annulled.
  • During the period of suspension, the student shall not be allowed to register for courses, attend classes, or take exams.

3. Treatment of misconduct in non-academic activities

  • This shall be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Disciplinary Procedures

Disciplinary action for students suspected of misconduct shall be determined and executed as follows:

1. In the case of misconduct relating to academic activities, the faculty member in charge of the applicable course shall report the details of the conduct to the Dean of the Graduate School. In the case of misconduct in non-academic activities, the faculty member with knowledge of the details of the offense shall report the details to the Dean of the Graduate School.

2. The Dean of the Graduate School shall report the details of the incident to the University President and shall convene an investigative committee composed of the Dean of the Graduate School (committee chair), the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, the Program Director, the instructor of the relevant course, and others as deemed necessary.

3. The investigative committee shall consider the facts relevant to the case, develop a proposal for the penalty, and submit the proposal to the University President.

4. The University President shall receive the aforementioned proposal from the investigative committee, develop a proposal for final disposition, and present it for deliberation at the Council for Research and Education, upon which the results shall be finalized.

5. The University President shall notify the relevant student regarding the contents of the disciplinary action.

6. In the event that the student files an objection about the decision, the University President shall have the investigative committee engage in further consideration of the matter. The investigative committee shall take into consideration the contents of the student’s objection, and report its results to the University President.

7. In the event that a change occurs in the contents of the proposal for penalty, the revised proposal shall once again be placed before the Council for Research and Education, and upon deliberation, the proposal shall be finalized.

8. Disciplinary action in response to student misconduct, including details regarding the misconduct and penalty, shall be publicized within the university. The publication of information will omit the student’s name and school identification number.

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TEL : +81-(0)3-6439-6000     
FAX : +81-(0)3-6439-6010


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