



Academic Year 2021

Name Degree Title Date of Conferment Title of Dissertation
Vu Thu Trang Ph.D. in Development Economics March 9, 2022 Household's Risk Preferences, Vulnerability to Poverty and Subjective Well-being in the Case of Vietnam
Getrude Njokwe Ph.D. in Development Economics March 9, 2022 Essays on Impact Evaluations of Education and Health Policies in Southern Africa
MIYAKE Yuta Doctor of Policy Studies March 9, 2022 予算制度と公会計改革-なぜ日本の予算?公会計制度は維持され続けるのか-
ITO Kazuya  Ph.D. in Public Policy March 9, 2022 Renewable Energy Policy and Investment Decision-Making in Electricity Markets
Cherry Ann Dulay Madriaga Ph.D. in International Development Studies November 17, 2021 Living with Floods: Perspectives of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Marikina City, Philippines
Wahid Bux Mangrio Ph.D. in Public Policy October 20, 2021 Influence of Systemic Analytical Capacity on Policy Relevant Knowledge Production and Utilization: Case of Science of Science and Innovation Policy
Hailegabriel Abebe Fenta Ph.D. in Development Economics October 20, 2021 Legal Bans and Traditional Practices in Africa: the Effect of Criminalizing Female Genital Cutting on the Practice and Well-being
Constance Sorkpor Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies October 20, 2021 Partisan Cocoa: Varieties of Cocoa Upgrading in Ghana and Cote D’ivoire
Solomon Haile Gebrezgabher Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies September 22, 2021 Property Rights and State-Society Relations in Conflict-Affected Settings: A Case Study of Land Conflicts in Adiquala Sub-Region, Eritrea
Rambandage Dhanushka Ravilal Perera Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies September 22, 2021 Essays on the Environmental Impact on Child Health: Tthe Case of Sri Lanka
Trinh Thi Tra Ph.D. in Development Economics September 22, 2021 The Effects of Climate Change on Rural-Urban Migration in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Vixayphongmany Alouni Ph.D. in International Relations September 22, 2021 Laos’s Foreign Policy Change: From 1975 to 2000
Aurelie Trur Ph.D. in Public Policy September 22, 2021 Space Sustainability Governance and the Space Debris Case: A Study of Epistemic Communities’ Influences over International Policy Coordination
Layaoen Cherry Wyle Garcia Ph.D. in International Development Studies September 1, 2021 Re-Evaluating the Effects of Microfinance in the Philippines
Nguyen Van Hoang Ph.D. in Desaster Management September 1, 2021 Integrated Operation of Reservoirs for Maximizing Hydropower and Reducing Flood Risk
Hemakanth Selvarajah Ph.D. in Desaster Management September 1, 2021 A study on climate change adaptation and resilience strategies for optimizing benefits of the Mahaweli River Basin in Sri Lanka
ITAGAKI Osamu Ph.D. in Disaster Management September 1, 2021 流域治水の推進に必要な合意形成のための減災対策による 被害軽減効果の評価手法の研究
Usman Asghar Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies September 1, 2021 How Do Rainfall Shocks Affect Rural Household Welfare, Labor Supply and Migration Decisions?
MATSUBARA Jikichiro Ph.D. in International Relations July 21, 2021 帝国陸軍航空建設期(1910年代?1920年代)における模索 ―要員の補充?養成及び器材の補給?整備を中心として-
ANDO Yuka Ph.D. in International Relations July 21, 2021 1970年代の2つの石油危機における日本の対米外交
DEGUCHI Kyoko Doctor of Policy Studies June 16, 2021 新興国におけるデジュリとデファクトの為替制度の乖離 : IMFサーベイランスとの関係からの分析
Bank Ngamarunchot Ph. D in International Development Studies May 19, 2021 Developmental Labor : The Transformative Roles of Labor in Economic Catch-Up





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