



Academic Year 2020

Name Degree Title Date of Conferment Title of Dissertation
Ayibor Raphael Edem Ph.D. in Development Economics March 10, 2021 Estimating the Effect of Maternal Education on Child Health and Female Genital Cutting Using Microdata from Africa
Tarriela Jay Tristan Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies March 10, 2021 The Rise of the White Hulls in Southeast Asia: The Philippine Coast Guard Case
Churaporn Charoenporn Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies March 10, 2021 The Effects of University Education on Informal Employment and Earnings: Evidence from Thailand
Mbithi Antony Mwangangi Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies March 10, 2021 Essays on Rent Extraction and Judical Decision Making: Evidence from Kenya
EGAMI Hiroyuki Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies March 10, 2021 Risk Sharing, Mobile Money Remittance, and the Family Network
SUWA Tatsuro Doctor of Policy Studies March 10, 2021 日本における海洋空間の利用調整に関する研究
MUROTA Tetsuo Doctor of Policy Studies March 10, 2021 大規模自然災害の応急対策における国?地方間関係に関する研究-国及び都道府県の責務?権限強化の在り方について-
MOROZUMI Minoru Doctor of Policy Studies February 17, 2021 地方分権改革下における自治体独自政策の意味 -東京都内区市における独自政策の政策決定過程を通じて-
KOTAKI Akira Doctor of Policy Studies January 20, 2021 巨大災害に対応するための我が国の防災行政体制の課題 -東日本大震災の初動?応急対応を踏まえた考察-
Asami Takeda Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies November 18, 2020 The Impacts of Access to Electricity on Employment, Household Income Growth and Child Labor in Cambodia
Abdul Wahid Fajar Amin Ph.D. in Public Policy October 21, 2020 Essays on Regional Development in Indonesia a District Level Data Analysis on Economy, Education, and Poverty
Pandeya Ganesh Prasad Ph.D. in Public Policy October 21, 2020 Vitalizing Local Government Performance in Nepal: Citizen Participation, Socioeconomic Development, and Social Mobilization
Trisukon Sawatrukkiat Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies September 16, 2020 Essays on Income, Inequality and Social Insurance in Developing Countries
Tanjir Saif Ahmed Ph.D. in Desaster Management September 2, 2020 Numerical Study on Tidal Currents and Bed Morphology in Sittaung River Estuary, Myanmar
Paul Owusu Takyi Ph.D. in Development Economics September 2, 2020 Effects of Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, and Health Shocks on Household Outcomes: the Role of Financial Inclusion
Le Ha Thu Ph.D. in Public Economics September 2, 2020 The Interaction of Interest Rates, Credit, Inflation and Monetary Policy in Vietnam
Md. Rajibul Alam Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies September 2, 2020 Essays on Incentive Policies for Improving the Bangladesh Public Sector
Ma. Laarni D. Revilla Ph.D. in International Development Studies September 2, 2020 Gender Disparities in Schooling, Learning, and Labor Market Outcomes in The Philippines
Punzalan Reynalyn Guevarra Ph.D. in International Economics September 2, 2020 Essays on Bank Risks: The Case of Philippine Banks
Le Duc Dung Ph.D. in Public Economics July 21, 2020 Essays on Health Inequality and Healthcare Utilization: The Case of Older People in Vietnam
Kritsanee Pisitsupakul Ph.D. in Public Policy June 17, 2020 Housing, Banking Credit, and Monetary Policy: a NK DSGE Analysis
Le Thu Trang Ph.D. in Public Economics May 20, 2020 Essays on Family Transfers and Income Shocks in Developing Countries: Implications for Public Policy Design

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