



Academic Year 2019

Name Degree Title Date of Conferment Title of Dissertation
Yoshihisa Naito Doctor of Policy Studies March 11, 2020 農産物?食品の地理的表示  -省庁間調整による政策決定と新しい政策手段としての意義-
Masaru Nagashima Ph.D. in Development Economics March 11, 2020 An Empirical Economic Study on Human Capital Investment Behaviours in Uganda
Yuji Matsuo Ph.D. in Social Systems Analysis January 22, 2020 電力部門の需要構造分析と経済性評価のための 計量的数理モデル分析に関する実証研究
Chandan Sapkota Ph.D. in Development Economics December 18, 2019 Essays on Women's Empowerment and Natural Disaster: The Case of Nepal
Syviengxay Oraboune Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies December 18, 2019 Role of Technology Transfer from Abroad and Commercialization on Enhancing Productivity Growth: The Case of Agriculture in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Hristina Georgieva Gaydarska Ph.D. in Public Policy November 20, 2019 Foreign Direct Investment and Global Value Chains in the Central and Eastern European Countries
TANAKA Tomomi Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies November 20, 2019 Female Schooling, Labor Force Participation, and Marriage : Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
Lintang P. Parnohadiningrat Wibawa Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies September 18, 2019 The Limited Utilization of Free Trade Agreements: An Empirical Study of the Use of the Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement by Firms
Amir Faisal Manurung Ph.D. in Public Policy September 18, 2019 An Inquiry of Government’s Extending the Role of State-owned Enterprises for the Interest of Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy : Case Studies from Indonesiallaboration through Scientometric Studies
Ahmad Ali Gul Ph.D. in Desaster Management September 4, 2019 Fundamental Study For 2-D Numerical Simulation of Channel Changes in Large Rivers Dominated by Fine Sediment
Md Khairul Islam Ph.D. in Desaster Management September 4, 2019 Developing a Methodology for Iitegrated Flood Risk Assessment in a Transboundary River Basin Using Multi-Platform Data Under Global Change– the Case of the Meghna River Basin
Sharif Mosharraf Hossain Ph.D. in International Economics September 4, 2019 General Equilibrium Analysis of Globalizing Capital and Labor Mobility; Its Impacts on Growth, Poverty and Inequality
Tomoe Naito Ph.D. in Public Economics September 4, 2019 Women's Work-Life Conflict
Trin Aiyara Ph.D. in International Development Studies September 4, 2019 The Rise of China and High-Speed Politics in Southeast Asia: Thailand’s Railway Development in Comparative Perspective
Abinash Dash Ph.D. in Development Economics September 4, 2019 Impact of Financial Incentives, Awareness, and Access to Health Facilities on Mortality and Health Services Utilization : Evidnece from India's National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)
Joseph Upile Matola Ph.D. in Development Economics September 4, 2019 Essays on Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Malawi
Gamel Mathew Abotiyane Aganah Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies September 4, 2019 State-Society Collaboration in Peacebuilding in Northern Ghana
SHOMBE Nicolaus Herman Ph.D. in Advanced Policy Studies July 17, 2019 Coordination and cooperation problems in public offices : An empirical study in Tanzania
Kenneth Charles Evensen Ph.D. in Public Policy June 19, 2019 Optimizing International Science & Technology Collaboration through Scientometric Studies

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