Director, Prof. TSUCHIYA Takashi
Data science is a prominent subject of research in the era of the internet, big data and AI. Now data science is changing every aspect of the world, and policy science is no exception. Systematic use of data in policy making is becoming a “must” in terms of both governance and accountability: tactics for using data may play crucial, even decisive, roles in determining the fate of this country. In that light, there are urgent demands on and immense expectations of data science.
However, one of the major obstacles to the introduction of data science in policy making is the towering wall separating liberal arts/social sciences and technology/natural sciences. This wall is deeply rooted in traditional higher educational systems; as a result, most of those engaged in policy making at the core of both national and regional governments struggle to solve problems due to their lack of background in data analysis and mathematical modeling—and miss the opportunity to become acquainted with data science despite their high potential and ability.
It is urgently necessary to rectify this situation by fostering policymakers with broad interdisciplinary perspectives. In response, GRIPS established the Center for Data Science in April 2022, with the aim of promoting both education in and research on data science, towards the development of policy science. GRIPS faculty includes academic policy science researchers in a wide variety of areas, ranging from arts to sciences; and policymakers well versed in the planning and implementation of policy. We are proud to be able to offer an ideal environment for data science education and policy science research, in a strategic setting in the downtown core of Tokyo. We appreciate your broad and strong support. Thank you very much.
Major Activities of the Center for Data Science
Director, Prof. TSUCHIYA Takashi
Graduated from the Department of Mathematical Engineering and Instrumentation Physics, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
1986: Assistant Professor, Department of Prediction and Control, the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo
1994: Associate Professor, Department of Prediction and Control, the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo
2002: Professor, Department of Prediction and Control, the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo
2008–2010: Chairperson (adjunct), Department of Statistical Science, Graduate University of Advanced Studies
2010– : Professor, GRIPS (current post)
Statistical Mathematics, Mathematical Engineering (particularly optimization, statistical science, operations research)
<Major career history outside GRIPS>
Kyoto Prize Selection Committee Member, (Basic Sciences; Mathematical Sciences) (2005–2006, 2013–2014)
Advisor in PREST, CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency (2014–2021)
Vice Chairperson, Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2017–2019)
Member of the Research Committee on Utilization of AI, Architectural Institute of Japan (2019–)
Vice Director, Prof. TAKENOUCHI Takashi
2004: Project Researcher, Institute of Statistical Mathematics
2005: Postdoctoral Fellow, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
2008: Assistant Professor, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
2012: Associate Professor, Future University Hakodate
2021– : Professor, GRIPS
Machine Learning
<Major career history outside GRIPS>
Visiting researcher, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project
Vice Director, Prof. LEON-GONZALEZ, Roberto
2003: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Sheffield
2004: Assistant Professor, Economics Courses, University of Leicester
2007: Associate Professor, GRIPS
2013– : Professor, GRIPS
<Major career history outside GRIPS>
Senior Fellow, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Member of the Bayesian Network Operation Committee, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis
Vice Director, Prof. MOROHOSI Hozumi
1989: Tonen Corporation
1995: Research Associate, University of Tokyo (Department of Mathematical Engineering and Instrumentation Physics, Faculty of Engineering)
2000: Associate Professor, GRIPS
2008– : Professor, GRIPS
Operations Research
<Major career history outside GRIPS>
Fellow and Trustee (2011–2012), Operations Research Society of Japan