<from the past SDGs Awards Ceremony>
Call for Entries for the Fourth GRIPS SDGs Award
GRIPS is pleased to announce the opening of the call for entries for the fourth GRIPS SDGs Award. All alumni are invited to enter.
Background and Objectives
In 2015, 193 countries adopted the framework for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the UN summit in New York, aimed at achieving a better and more sustainable future for all. GRIPS’ current policy on education, research and management is strongly linked to the SDGs. In that light, to promote innovative efforts by GRIPS alumni towards the solution of the most pressing environmental, social and economic challenges of our time, we launched the GRIPS SDGs Awards in 2019.?
The objective of the award(s) is to recognize outstanding efforts by alumni that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs as well as to the dissemination of GRIPS’ educational achievements to the world.
Participating in the Contest
We invite all?GRIPS and GSPS alumni?to participate in the award contest and share their SDG-related activities and projects.
Entries will be evaluated by a committee comprised of GRIPS faculty and executive members, with the final approval given by the president of GRIPS.
The winner(s) will be awarded a memorial plaque and, in recognition of their contribution to the growing GRIPS SDG community, their initiatives and projects will be highlighted on our website and in GRIPS promotional materials. There is even a chance that the winner(s) will be invited to Japan for deeper involvement, and to present their work at the GRIPS Forum!?Please understand that the forum may be held online, depending on the COVID-19 situation.
Submission Guidelines and Eligibility
To participate, please submit your entry by downloading and emailing the application form to sdgsawardsgrips.ac.jp to arrive by December 16, 2022.
Only one application per individual will be accepted and only one project can be presented in one application.?Activities that were completed before September 2015 are not eligible.?
You can submit the same project for which you applied to the first, second or third GRIPS SDGs Award.
The winner(s) will be announced by March 2023.?
Further Inquiries?
For inquiries, please contact?sdgsawardsgrips.ac.jp
The 3rd GRIPS SDGs Award
Result of the Contest
Result of the third GRIPS SDGs Award contest
The Third GRIPS SDGs Award Ceremony was held on June 20th, 2022
The 2nd GRIPS SDGs Award
Result of the Contest
Result of the second GRIPS SDGs Award contest
Second GRIPS SDGs Award Ceremony was held on June 7th, 2021
The 1st GRIPS SDGs Award
Result of the Contest
Result of the first GRIPS SDGs Award contest
Further information on SDGs and GRIPS’ related activities
- Database “The World and Japan” SDGs documents
- Website “Knowledge and Research:GRIPS’ contributions to the SDGs”
- Leaflet “Knowledge and Research:GRIPS’ contributions to the SDGs”
GRIPS SDGs Award Fund
The GRIPS SDGs Award Fund was launched in order to allow the continuation of the award and related events, and also to support GRIPS international students.