Akhadbek Khaydarov
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Finance
Republic of Uzbekistan
Transition Economy Program (’02)
Akhadbek was born in Uzbekistan’s Fergana region. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Tashkent State University in 1994 and a master’s degree in banking from Tashkent Economic University in 1998. In 1996 Akadhbek joined the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a junior economist and in less than 4 years time he had moved up and was heading the Monetary Policy Department of the Bank.

Akhadbek Khaydarov explaining the Ministry of Finance mission to further improve the country’s tax policy at “Harakatlar Strategiyasi 2017-2021″
In 1999, Akadhbek moved to the Ministry of Finance where he served in several roles in the Department of State Budget and the Department for Financing the Social Sphere and Science. He was selected to study in the IMF-sponsored Transition Economy Program at GRIPS from which he graduated in 2001. Eager to pursue further studies, in 2005 he enrolled in a one-year master’s program for advanced training in economics at Williams College’s Center for Development Economics in the US. The program is, quite similar to GRIPS, designed for young economists who have begun professional careers concerned in economic development and who will return home to shape their countries’ policies. In 2007, Akhadbek returned to the Central Bank to serve in leading roles in the Department of Securities and the Department of Monetary Policy and in 2013, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Central Bank.
After a brief stint, in 2016-17, as First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity and subsequently as Chairman of the Board of Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Microcredit Bank”, Akadhbek was appointed as Deputy, and later First Deputy, Minister of Finance between 2017 and ’19. In these roles, he was responsible for overseeing the financing of social sphere, science, government bodies and the activities of the off-budget Pension Fund. By decree of the President of Uzbekistan, he was called in April 2019 to head the Assets Management Agency. He stayed there only briefly as in September 2019, Akadhbek was again appointed as Deputy Minister of Finance.
Akhadbek received the medal “Shukhrat” in 2012, a prestigious award presented by the President of Uzbekistan to exceptional individuals who have greatly contributed to the development of the economy, science and culture of Uzbekistan, or the education of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and commitment to the ideas of national independence and social progress.
Akhadbek is married and has three daughters and a son.?