Nestor A. Espenilla, Jr.?
Deputy Governor
Supervision and Examination Sector
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Public Policy Program (’88)
Mr. Nestor A. Espenilla, Jr. heads the Supervision and Examination Sector which oversees the supervision of banks and other non-bank financial institutions under the jurisdiction of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the Central Bank of the Philippines. He assumed said office in April 2005.
He serves concurrently in various BSP high-level policy committees: Advisory Committee on Monetary Policy; Financial Stability Committee; Inclusive Finance Steering Committee; and Payment ?and Settlements ?Steering ?Committee. He is likewise BSP Representative to the Capital Markets Development Council and Alternate Board Member to the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation and alternate Vice Chair of the Agricultural Credit Policy Council.
He is also active in various international bodies.? He represents the BSP at the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) and in the Basel Consultative Group (BCG) where he chairs the Workstream on Financial Inclusion.
Mr. Espenilla, Jr. holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Economics at the University of the Philippines.? Aside from his GRIPS Masters of Policy Science degree where he was commended for outstanding achievement for his master’s degree thesis, he also has an MBA from the University of the Philippines.