

(after 2009)

*The data for guest faculty are as of the person’s period of service at GRIPS.

Mr. Fumiya Kokubu

Chairman of the Board, Marubeni Corporation (Chairman, Japan Foreign Trade Council)

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2023

Mr. Mitsuru Murai

5th Chairman, Japan Professional Football League (J.LEAGUE)

Spring Graduation Ceremony, 2023

Prof. Dr. Ginandjar Kartasasmita

Former Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry of Indonesia

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2022

Mr. Ryutaro Abe


Spring Graduation Ceremony, 2022

Dr. Shinichi Kitaoka

President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2021

Ms. Helen Clark

Former Prime Minister of New Zealand

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2020

Mr. Amando M. Tetangco, Jr.

Former governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2019

Mr. Hiroshi Watanabe

President of the Institute for International Monetary Affairs

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2018

Mr. Takehiko Nakao

9th President of the Asian Development Bank

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2017

Mr. Yasuo Fukuda

The 91st Prime Minister of Japan

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2016

Prof. Dr. Tanong Bidaya

Former Minister of Finance, Thailand (Honorary Doctorate)

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2016

Prof. Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Former President of Republic of Indonesia

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2015

Prof. Dr. Ginandjar Kartasasmita

Former Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry of Indonesia (Honorary Doctorate)

Spring Graduation Ceremony, 2015

Mr. Haruhiko Kuroda

Governor, Bank of Japan

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2014

Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa

Academic Fellow, GRIPS

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2013

Dr. Surin Pitsuwan

The Secretary-General of ASEAN

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2012

Mr. Haruhiko Kuroda

Governor, Asian Development Bank

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2010

Mr. Yoshiyuki Kasai

Chairman Emeritus and Representative Director, Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central)

Fall Graduation Ceremony, 2009


*The data for guest faculty are as of the person’s period of service at GRIPS.

  • 2017
10 Jul

Ms. Haniwa Natori

Auditor at The University of Electro-Communications; Former Director-General, Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office

《142nd GRIPS Forum》Creating a Society for Female Participation with the Support of Men

16 Jun

Mr. Robert Bruce Zoellick

Former president of the World Bank

《Special Seminar (for GRIPS faculty and students)》Current International Relations and the United States from Historical Perspectives

5 Jun

Ms. Keiko Kiyohara

Mayor of Mitaka City, Tokyo

《141st GRIPS Forum》Significance of Collaboration among Citizens, Academics, Industry, and Public Sector in Resolving Regional Issues~Collaborative Case in Mitaka City, Tokyo~

29 May

Dr. Hideaki Watanabe

Commissioner of Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency (ATLA), Ministry of Defense

《140th GRIPS Forum》Initiatives related to Defense Equipment and Technology in Japan

24 May

Dr. Joel F. Brenner

Senior Research Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

《Special Seminar》Protecting Critical Infrastructure Networks: Learning Lessons from the U.S. Experience

22 May

Dr. Hideo Tokuyama

Adjunct Professor of GRIPS; Former Administrative Vice-Minister of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT); Adviser of Dentsu

《139th GRIPS Forum》The Great East Japan Earthquake and the Mission of Japan

15 May

Mr. Daisuke Kotegawa

Former Executive Director for Japan, IMF; Research Director, The Canon Institute for Global Studies

《138th GRIPS Forum》Donald Trump and the World Economy

25 Apr

Mr. Aquilino Pimentel Jr.

23rd President of the Senate of the Philippines

《High Level Forum 2017》Leadership Enhancement & Administrative Development for Innovative Governance in Asia (LEADING Asia)

24 Apr

Dr. Thongchai Winichakul

Chief Senior Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO); Emeritus Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison

《137th GRIPS Forum》Royalist-guided Democracy in Thailand: Its History, Conditions for Success and Prospect

17 Apr

Dr. Katsuhisa Furukawa

Former Member, DPRK Sanctions Committee’s Panel of Experts, UN Security Council

《136th GRIPS Forum》The Politics of UN Sanctions against North Korea. ~How North Korea Evaded the UN Sanctions and What Can we Do About It?


  • 2016
19 Dec

H.E. Mr. Thurain Thant Zin

Ambassador of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to Japan

《135th GRIPS Forum》Myanmar’s Political Development (2010 -2016)
12 Dec

Mr. Yutaka Kase

Representative Director and Chairman of the Board, Sojitz Cooperation

《134th GRIPS Forum》African Market, A Dare for Japanese Companies
9 Dec

Ambassador Arif Havas Oegroseno

Deputy Minister, Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

《Special Forum》Indonesian Maritime Strategy
21 Nov

Mr. Ryo Yamazaki

CEO of Studio-L; Director of Community Design at the Tohoku University of Art and Design

《133rd GRIPS Forum》What is Community Design?
14 Nov

Mr. Yuichiro Takenami

Vice President and Senior Officer, Bridgestone Corporation

《132nd GRIPS Forum》Bridgestone’s global management and innovation strategy
7 Nov

Dr. Narushige Michishita

Professor of GRIPS

《131st GRIPS Forum》North Korea’s Nuclear and Missile Diplomacy: Where is it Going and What Can We Do about it?
31 Oct

Prof. Satoshi ?mura

Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Kitasato University

《130th GRIPS Forum》Unearthing Beneficial Microbial Compounds:

Discovery, Development International Partnerships

24 Oct

Dr. Susan M. Dynarski

Professor, University of Michigan

《129th GRIPS Forum》Improving Education With Innovation and Evaluation
17 Oct

Mr. Masakazu Toyoda

Chairman and CEO, The Institute of Energy Economics; Adjunct Professor of GRIPS

《128th GRIPS Forum》Unpredictable Global Energy Situation: Grand Transformation Time Requires Great Cooperation
25 Jul

Dr. Kiyohiko G. Nishimura

Professor of Economics, The University of Tokyo; Professor of GRIPS; Former Deputy Governor, Bank of Japan

《127th GRIPS Forum》Three “Seismic Shifts” in the Global Economy and Japan as a Spearhead of Change
27 Jun

Dr. Quansheng Zhao

Professor, School of International Service, American University

《126th GRIPS Forum》U.S. Strategy towards China & Japan and the Role of Think-tank
20 Jun

Dr. Michelle Michot Foss

Chief Energy Economist and Program Manager, Bureau of Economic Geology’s Center for Energy Economics, The University of Texas

《125th GRIPS Forum》Global Views on Energy
23 May

Dr. Naomi Harada

Deputy Director,

Research & Development Center for Global Change, JAMSTEC

《124th GRIPS Forum》Another problem of CO2: Ocean acidification and its impact on marine organisms
9 May

Dr. Sunil Mani

Professor, GRIPS; Professor, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, Kerala, India

《123rd GRIPS Forum》The High Tech Innovator vs The Frugal Innovator, Comparing China and India on Innovation Activities
18 Apr

Mr. Hideshi Tokuchi

Senior Fellow of GRIPS ALLIANCE; Former Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs

《122nd GRIPS Forum》The Defense Force Awakens
11 Apr

Dr. Kenichi Kawasaki

Professor of GRIPS; Senior Fellow of GRIPS ALLIANCE; Co-chair of the Global EPAs Research Consortium

《121st GRIPS Forum》Economic Impacts of TPP/EPAs
18 Jan

Ms. Reiko Okutani

Chairman, The R Co., Ltd.

《120th GRIPS Forum》What is Hindering the Expansion of Women’s Participation in Society?


  • 2015

14 Dec

Ms. Fumiko Hayashi

Mayor of the City of Yokohama

《119th GRIPS Forum》Leaders That are There for People: Everything Begins with Empathy and Trust

30 Nov

Dr. Sachio Ehara

Director, Institute for Geothermal Information; Professor Emeritus, Kyushu University

《118th GRIPS Forum》Present and Future of Geothermal Energy Utilization in Japan

16 Nov

His Excellency The Hon Alexander Downer

Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom

《117th GRIPS Forum》Australia in the Indo-Pacific Region

2 Nov

Mr. Jan Staman

The former director of the Rathenau Institute; SciREX Center Special Advisor

《116th GRIPS Forum》Progress in dark days

26 Oct

Dr. Naoyuki Yoshino

Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADB Institute); Professor Emeritus of Keio University, Adjunct Professor of GRIPS

《115th GRIPS Forum》Economic Effect of Infrastructure Investment and Exchange Rate Mechanism of Asia

19 Oct

Her Excellency Mrs. Deepa Gopalan Wadhwa

Ambassador of India to Japan

《114th GRIPS Forum》India-Japan Relations: The Road Ahead

13 Jul

Dr. Hitoshi Murayama,

MacAdams Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley; Director, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo

《113rd GRIPS Forum》Quantum Universe

6 Jul

Mr. Masao Uchibori

Governor of Fukushima Prefecture

《112nd GRIPS Forum》Future of Fukushima

2 Jul

Dr. Eliot A. Cohen, Professor

School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University

《Special Forum》Military Power and American Foreign Policy

29 Jun

Mr. Hiroshi Sakurai

President and Representative Director, Asahi Shuzo Co., LTD.

《111st GRIPS Forum》Finding opportunity in a crisis: How we succeeded as a small brewery in the mountains of Yamaguchii

15 Jun

H.E. Mr. Farukh Amil

Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Japan

《110th GRIPS Forum》Looking forward: Pakistan in the 21st Century

1 Jun

H.E. Mr. Marcos Fermin RODRIGUEZ COSTA

Ambassador of the Republica of Cuba en Japan


28 May

Mr. Takehiko Nakao

President and Chairperson, Board of Directors, Asian Development Bank

《Special Forum》Asian Economic Outlook and Roles of ADB

25 May

Mr. Romain Murenzi

Executive Director, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

《108th GRIPS Forum》Capacity Building in Science & Technology for Sustainable Development

27 Apr

Professor Toshihiro Ihori

Professor, GRIPS

《107th GRIPS Forum》Fiscal consolidation and generational equity

6 Apr

Dr. Hiroshi Ikeya

Special Assignment, GRIPS

《106th GRIPS Forum》Sediment-related Disasters in Japan -The current state of affairs and countermeasures taken-

27 Mar

Dr. Ikujiro Nonaka

Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University ICS

《International Forum on Asian Models of Governance》Innovating Policies

A New Paradigm of Governance to Activate the Governments’ Potential

26 Jan

H.E Dr. Mohau Pheko

Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to Japan

《105th GRIPS Forum》Nelson Mandela Memorial Lecture: “South Africa – Twenty Years of Freedom and a Vision for the Future”


  • 2014

22 Dec

Dr. Heita Kawakatsu

Governor of Shizuoka prefecture

《104th GRIPS Forum》Wealthy Nation, Virtuous Nation, Nation of Mount Fuji’s Regional Diplomacy

15 Dec

Mr. Hideto Nakahara

Member of the Board, Senior Executive Vice President, Global Strategy & Business Development, Mitsubishi Corporation, Tokyo

《103rd GRIPS Forum》Evolution of business models of Sogo-Shosha

3 Dec

Dr. Perry Warjiyo

Deputy Governor, Bank Indonesia

《Special Forum》Indonesian Economy Beyond 2014:Managing Short-term Stability, Unlocking Long-term Growth

1 Dec

Dr. Takatoshi Ito

Professor of GRIPS

《102nd GRIPS Forum》Fiscal Problem in Japan: Social Security and Consumption Tax

17 Nov

Mr. Glen S. Fukushima

Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress

《101st GRIPS Forum》U.S.-Japan Relations After the U.S. Midterm Elections
10 Nov

Mr. Hirotada Ototake

《100th GRIPS Forum》The Power to Love Yourself
27 Oct

Dr. Junichiro Kawaguchi

Professor of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

《99th GRIPS Forum》Emerging Another Age of Discovery in Solar System enabled through Round Voyage Technology represented by Hayabusa Mission
23 Oct

Wonjae Lee

Asia Leadership Fellow Program 2014 Fellow (ALFP); Vice President, Hope Institute

《GRIPS?ALFP Joint Forum》Social Innovation and Social Fiction – A New Paradigm to Tackle Social Problems
20 Oct

Mr.Harold Paisner

Senior Partner of BLP(Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP)

《98th GRIPS Forum》The globalisation of the legal profession – The rise of global law firms in the twenty first century

30 Sep

Prof. Kuniyoshi Takeuchi

ICHARM Director/

Prof. Toshio Koike

University of Tokyo

《GRIPS-ICHARM Joint International Symposium》Together with the People coping with increasing water -related disasters in the world-
28 Jul

Dr. Takenori Inoki

Special University Professor of Aoyama Gakuin University

《97th GRIPS Forum》On Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty―Revisit the Theory of Income Inequality

14 Jul

Mr. Mitsuo Ohashi

Supreme Counselor of Showa Denko k.k.; Board of GRIPS ALLIANCE

《96th GRIPS Forum》Japan’s Tomorrow and Contribution to International Society
7 Jul

Prof. Charles D. Kolstad

Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research

《95th GRIPS Forum》The Ethics and Economics of Climate Change: Findings from the IPCC

16 Jun

Ms. Yoshie Komuro

President and CEO, Work-Life Balance Co., Ltd.

《94th GRIPS Forum》Work-Life Balance as a National Strategy
9 Jun

Dr. Hitoshi Oshitani

Professor, Department of Virology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine

《93rd GRIPS Forum》Globalization and Emerging Infectious Diseases
26 May

Dr. Khoo Boo Teik

Professor of GRIPS

《92nd GRIPS Forum》Impasse in Malaysian Politics: Origins, Leadership and Prospects

23 May

Dr. Mohammed Gharib Bilal

Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania

《Special Forum》Developing country’s perspectives on the changing global patterns of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and their implications in the war against poverty: Case of Tanzania
21 Apr

Dr. Cayetano W. Paderanga

Jr., Chairman of the board of trustees, Development Academy of Philippines (DAP)

《91st GRIPS Forum》Philippine Macroeconomic Regimes
7 Apr

Dr. Kenji Shimazaki

Professor of National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

《90th GRIPS Forum》The Acceleration of an Aging and Shrinking Population in Japan: Society and Policy Challenges
20 Jan

H.E. Mr. Bruce Miller

Australian Ambassador to Japan

《89th GRIPS Forum》Australia and the Indo-Pacific: Challenges and Opportunities
6 Jan

Dr. Shigeru Morichi

Senior Professor of GRIPS

《88th GRIPS Forum》Required Policies for Aged Infrastructures


  • 2013

16 Dec

Dr. Akihiko Tanaka

President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

《87th GRIPS Forum》The World System in the 21st century and Japan’s International Cooperation

22 Nov

Dr. Ikujiro Nonaka

Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University ICS

《40th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation Commemorative Forum》Innovating Policies to Open the Future of Asia -A Paradigm Shift on Administrative Reforms-

18 Nov

Dr. Kurayoshi Takara

Vice governor of Okinawa Prefecture

《86th GRIPS Forum》The Points of Controversy over “The Okinawa Problem” within Japan”

11 Nov

Mr. Shotaro Yachi

Special Advisor to the Cabinet

《85th GRIPS Forum》The Abe administration’s diplomatic strategy.

28 Oct

Professor Ronald Philip Dore

《84th GRIPS Forum》The Tripartite Division of Powers:Democracy in a Populist Age

7 Oct

Mr. Mitsuru Izumo

President, euglena Co., Ltd.

《83rd GRIPS Forum》Euglena will save the Earth!

8 Jul

Dr. Ikujiro Nonaka

Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University ICS

《82nd GRIPS Forum》Distributing Phronesis for Sustainable Innovation

1 Jul

Mr. Akira Kojima

Member of the Trustees of GRIPS, Chairman of World Trade Center Tokyo, Inc (WTC Tokyo)

《81st GRIPS Forum》Japan’s Economy:

Where To From Here With Abenomics?

24 Jun

H.E. Dr. Charles Murigande

Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to Japan

《80th GRIPS Forum》Rwanda: From hopelessness to hopefulness

10 Jun

Dr. David M. Malone

Rector of the United Nations University; Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations

《79th GRIPS Forum》The UN Security Council: Boom or Bust?

5 Jun

Dr. Rajiv Kumar

Senior Fellow at the centre for Policy Research in New Delhi; Former Secretary-General of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI); Former Director and Chief Executive of the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)

《5th GRIPS?JBIC Joint Forum》India’s Political Economy Landscape and Reform Prospects

27 May

Dr. Thanong Bidaya

Senior Fellow of GRIPS (Former Minister of Finance, Thailand)

《78th GRIPS Forum》A Time for Reform of Japan-ASEAN Policy Coordination

13 May

Mr. Yoshito Sengoku

Visiting Scholar of GRIPS; Former Chief Cabinet secretary

《77th GRIPS Forum》Energy at a turning point -the sustainability of the power supply system-

15 Apr

Dr. Surin Pitsuwan

Former Secretary-General of ASEAN

《76th GRIPS Forum》New Japan in a New Asia

9 Apr

Mr. Atsutoshi Nishida

Chairman of the Board, Toshiba

《International Symposium》Which future for manufacturing industries in Japan, Korea, Germany and France?

8 Apr

Dr. Masahiko Aoki

Professor Emeritus;Senior Fellow, Stanford University

《75th GRIPS Forum》Understanding China’s Institutional Process in a Historical Perspective

12 Feb

David O’Sullivan

Chief Operating Officer of the European External Action Service

《Special Forum》Priorities for EU Diplomacy in East Asia

16 Jan

Dr. J. Soedradjad Djiwandono

Professor, Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang, Technological University in Singapore; Former Governor of Bank Indonesia, central bank

《4th GRIPS?JBIC Joint Forum》Prospects for Indonesia’s Sustainable Growth―Is This Time Different from the Pre-Asian

Crisis Landscape?


  • 2012

17 Dec

Professor Purnendra Jain

PhD, Centre for Asian Studies, University of Adelaide, Australia; President, Asian Studies Association of Australia

《74th GRIPS Forum》Rising India: Where to in Relations with Japan?

10 Dec

Dr. Akihiko Matsutani

Professor Emeritus of GRIPS

《73rd GRIPS Forum》Conversion of Ideas to Ensure Sustainability -Economic, Fiscal and Social Welfare Policy in the Depopulation and Aging Society-

26 Nov

Ambassador Masatoshi Muto

Ex Ambassador, Embassy of Japan in Korea

《72nd GRIPS Forum》South Korea’s Current Situation and Japan-South Korea Relations

16 Nov

Dr.-Ing. H. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie

Former President of the Republic of Indonesia

《Special Forum》Indonesia in the Asian Century

14 Nov

Dr. Tin Maung Maung Than

Senior Research Fellow Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Singapore

《3rd GRIPS?JBIC Joint Forum》Myanmar’s Political Landscape

and Economic Prospects

12 Nov

Dr. Tamotsu Aoki

Director General, The National Art Center, Tokyo

《71st GRIPS Forum》The Age of Cultural Power-Culture and International and Regional Relation in 21st Century Asia

5 Nov

Mr. Hiroshi Watanabe

CEO, Executive Managing Director of Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)

《70th GRIPS Forum》Recent Development in Global Market

20 Oct

Dr. Thaweesak Koanantakool

President, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand

《International Policy Dialogue 2012 Symposium》Ecosystems for Regional Innovation in ASIA

15 Oct

Dr. Shinichi Kitaoka

Executive Advisor to the President; Professor, GRIPS; Emeritus Professor, University of Tokyo

《69th GRIPS Forum》Difficulties and Possibility of Historical Dialogue: Japan-Korea and Japan-China Joint Studies of History Revisited

15 Oct

H.E. Mr. Anders Borg

Minister for Finance, Sweden, etc.

《EIJS-GRIPS Joint Symposium》Lessons from Sweden on the Global Financial Crisis – Financial Consolidation and Reforms

11 Oct

H.E. Dr. Armida S. Alisjahbana

Minister of National Development Planning and Head of National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) of Indonesia

《Special Symposium》Indonesia’s Economic Outlook

6 Oct

Ms. Geneviève FIORASO

Minister of Higher Education and Research/

Prof. Dr. António Fernando CORREIA DE CAMPOS

MEP, Vice-Chair of STOA, Former Minister for Health, Portugal/


MEP, ? Member of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee

《EU-Japan Science Policy Forum》Japan’s New Energy Mix - Creating a Viable and Trusted Path

27 Sep

Mr. Yoshikazu Kato

International columnist, Fellow at Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government

Japan-China relations: what next?

24 Jul

Dr. Cayetano W. Paderanga, Jr.

Former Director-General, National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Philippines

《2nd GRIPS?JBIC Joint Forum》Philippines’ Policy Challenges Ahead: Public-Private Partnerships and Governance

9 Jul

Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa

Chairman of Congressional Investigation Committee on Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident; Academic Fellow of GRIPS

《68th GRIPS Forum》Fukushima Nuclear Accident:Lessons to Learn

2 Jul

H.E. Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva

Former Prime Minister of Thailand

《67th GRIPS Forum》Realizing the Asia-Pacific Century: the Challenge of Reform

4 Jun

H.E. Mr. Claude Heller

Ambassador of the United Mexican States to Japan

《66th GRIPS Forum》Priorities of the Mexican presidency of the G20

28 May

Mr. Keiji Yamada

President of National Governor’s Association; Governor of Kyoto Prefecture

《65th GRIPS Forum》Beyond Decentralization Reform

21 May

H.E. Mr. Marcos Bezerra Abbott Galv?o

Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Brazil to Japan

《64th GRIPS Forum》The global financial crisis and the reform of global governance — A Brazilian perspective

14 May

Dr. Emile Quinet

Emeritus professor of Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussees

《63rd GRIPS Forum》An assessment of European transport policies

23 Apr

Assoc. Prof. LECHEVALIER Sebastien (EHESS)/

Mr. Atsushi Nakajima

Chairman of RIETI

《62nd GRIPS Forum》Future of the Euro Crisis

20 Apr

Dr. Bambang Susantono

Vice Minister for Transportation (Indonesia)/

Mr. Nguyen Dat Tuong

General Director, Vietnam Railways (Vietnam)

《3rd International Symposium on Intercity Transport System in Asian Countries》

18-19 Apr

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Keitel

President of BDI/

Dr. Rolf Mützenich

Member of Parliament of Germany

《A Joint symposium with the Germany Embassy, GRIPS, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, and Asahi Shimbun》Power Shifts and the Power of Ideas: Germany and Japan in the G-20 World

16 Apr

Dr. Frédéric Jenny

Professor of ESSEC Business School

《61st GRIPS Forum》Competition policy in a global era: achievements and challenges

16 Feb

Dr. Ir. Ginandjar Kartasasmita

Advisory Council of the President, Republic of Indonesia Professor of Public Administration, Brawijaya University

《Special Forum》Critical Decisions and Actions of National Leaders: Lessons from Indonesia

6 Feb

Prof. Amartya Sen

Professor of Harvard University, Nobel Laureate in Economics

《Fukushima University?GRIPS Symposium》Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Future of Fukushima: Ensuring Human Security

2 Feb

Dr. Pasuk Phongpaichit

Professor, Chulalongkorn University

《1st GRIPS?JBIC Joint Forum》After Fire and Flood: Thailand’s Prospects

23 Jan

Prof. Tran Van Tho

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Waseda University

《60th GRIPS Forum》Vietnam’s Economic Development in the Dynamic Context of East Asia

16 Jan

Mr. Katsuya Okada

Member of The House of Representatives of Japan(DPJ)/

Mr. Shigeru Ishiba

Member of The House of Representatives of Japan(LDP)/

Dr. Jun Iio

Professor of GRIPS

《59th GRIPS Forum》Japan’s Political Future


  • 2011

19 Dec

Mr. Nobuyuki Koga

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.

《58th GRIPS Forum》The best path for Japan to follow into the future

12 Dec

Associate Prof. Satoshi Ikeuchi

Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo

《57th GRIPS Forum》Changing Dynamics of Arab Politics:

After the Spring

28 Nov

Mr.Kazumasa Iwata

President of Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER)

《56th GRIPS Forum》World Economy after Lehman’s Collaps

21 Nov

Dr. Isao Kumakura

President of Shizuoka University of Art and Culture

《55th GRIPS Forum》Japanese Food Culture
17 Nov

Ambassador SZERDAHELYI István

Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary to Japan

《54th GRIPS Forum》New Developments in EU-Japan and EU-Hungary relations under the Presidency of the Council of the European Union

24 Oct

Dr. Hiroyuki Yoshikawa

Director-General, Center for Research and Development Strategy, Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)

《53rd GRIPS Forum》Neutral Advice of Scientists ~The Role of Scientists in the Response to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster~

5 Oct

Dr. Bruce, Alberts M.

Editor-in-Chief of Science; Former President of National Academy of Sciences (NAS)/ etc.

《JST?GRIPS SYMPOSIUM》Responsibility and Role of Scientists in Society
1 Oct

Dr. Philip Campbell

Chief editor of Nature Magazine/

Dr. Paul Ruebig

Chair of the European Parliament’s Scientific Technological Options Assessment (STOA)/

Professor Sir John Beddington

Chief Scientists UK, etc.

《Symposium》Risk communication during emergencies

11 Jul

Dr. Jun Iio

Professor at GRIPS and Working Group Leader of Reconstruction Design Council

《52nd GRIPS Forum》Direction of Earthquake Reconstruction

4 Jul

Professor Hideo Furuido

University of Tokyo

《51st GRIPS Forum》The Charm of Kabuki
27 Jun

Mr. Susumu Takahashi

Vice Chairman of the Japan Research Institute, Limited/

Discussion:Prof. Hiroko Ota, GRIPS

《50th GRIPS Forum》The Japanese Economy after the Great Earthquake
20 Jun

Mr. Akio Shibata

Chief Representative of Marubeni Research Institute

《49th GRIPS Forum》Resource Price Trends and Impact on the Japanese Economy
17 Jun

Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

President of the Republic of Indonesia

《Special Forum》Responding to Global Challenges and Strengthening Indonesia – Japan Relations”
30 May

Professor Sir John Beddington

UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser

(GCSA) and Adviser to the Prime Minister, etc.

《Joint Symposium By British Embassy Tokyo & GRIPS》Science Advice in Crisis! Fukushima and its aftermath
23 May

Ambassador Yukio Takasu

Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General on human security; Professor (Special assignment) of GRIPS

《48th GRIPS Forum》Human Security and Japan
16 May

Dr. Mieko Nishimizu

Former Vice President of the World Bank Group; Partner of Think Tank SophiaBank

《47th GRIPS Forum》What’s in a name? From grassroots to the corridor of power
25 Apr

Mr. Yoshiharu Fukuhara

Honorary Chairman of Shiseido Company, Limited

《46th GRIPS Forum》Japanese Culture and Mécénat Activities

18 Apr

Ambassador Aftab Seth

Chairman of Sun and Sands Advisors; former Ambassador of India to Japan

《45th GRIPS Forum》India-Japan Relations: The Possibilities and the Future

17 Jan

Dr. Chi Hung Kwan

Senior Fellow, Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research/

Mr. Atsushi Nakajima

Chief Economist, Mizuho Research Institute Ltd./

Prof. Hiroko Ota

Vice president of GRIPS

《44th GRIPS Forum》Global Economic Trends in 2011 – Toward a New World Order?


  • 2010

27 Dec

Ms. Kimie Iwata

Vice President of Shiseido Company, Limited

《43rd GRIPS Forum》Empowerment of women in Japanese companies

20 Dec

Mr. Yorihiko Kojima

Chairman of Mitsubishi Corporation

《42nd GRIPS Forum》Structural changes in the global economy from the perspective of a SOGO-SHOSHA
29 Nov

Mr. Kentaro Tokusei

Product Management Lead, Google Japan/Google Korea

《41st GRIPS Forum》Surprising Value of Data
22 Nov

Mr. David Potten

Senior Policy Adviser (consultant), Global Partnership & Trust Fund Operations department, World Bank

《40th GRIPS Forum》The Japan Social Development Fund – a Unique and Successful Aid Initiative
15 Nov

Mr. Kenichiro Hamada

President, CEO, ANA Strategic Research Institute Co., Ltd.

《39th GRIPS Forum》Turbulence in the Global Airline Industry: Dealing with problems facing Japan’s airlines
1 Nov

Prof. Jaqueline Berndt

Kyoto Seika University

《38th GRIPS Forum》Globalizing Japanese Manga
25 Oct

Mr. Toshimitsu Motegi

Member of the House of Representatives (LDP)/

Mr. Shinji Tarutoko

Member of the House of Representatives (DPJ)/

Dr. Jun Iio

Vice President and Professor of GRIPS

《37th GRIPS Forum》A New Age for the Diet and Government Policy
12 Jul

Dr. Noboru Yamaguchi

Professor, National Defense Academy of Japan/ Lieutenant General, JGSDF (Ret.)

《36th GRIPS Forum》Japan’s Security Policy and the Future of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
5 Jul

Dr. Ryokichi Hirono

Professor Emeritus, Seikei University/ Visiting Professor, GRIPS

《35th GRIPS Forum》Global Environmental Protection and Global Cooperation: the Roles of Japan and International Organizations
21 Jun

Dr. Pasuk Phongpaichit

Professor, Chulalongkorn University/

Dr. Chris Baker

Freelance author/

Moderator: Dr. Takashi Shiraishi

Visiting Professor of GRIPS

《34th GRIPS Forum》Panel Discussion: Thailand in Trouble: Causes and Consequences
7 Jun

Dr. Han Seung-soo

Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea

《33rd GRIPS Forum》Climate Change and Korea’s Growth Paradigm Shift
24 May

H.E. Mr. Jonathan T. Fried

Ambassador of Canada to Japan

《32nd GRIPS Forum》Growth with Equity: Canada’s Structural Reform Experience
10 May

Mr. Toshihiko Fukui

Former Governor of the Bank of Japan

《31st GRIPS Forum》Challenges for Japan in the Changing Global Economic Governance

19 Apr

Mr. Morinosuke Kawaguchi

Associate Director, Arthur D. Little (Japan) Inc.

《30th GRIPS Forum》Japanese Culture and Manufacturing
12 Apr

Mr. Haiteng Chen

Chief Representative of Baidu, Inc. in Japan, Director of Baidu Japan, Inc.

《29th GRIPS Forum》Outlook for Chinese IT Market: Business Opportunities in a 1.3-Billion-Person Consumer Market
25 Jan

Mr. Uichiro Niwa

Chairman of ITOCHU Corporation

《28th GRIPS Forum》The Road to Japan’s Revitalization – Decentralization Reform and the New Administration
18 Jan

Dr. Masahiro Kawai

Dean and CEO of Asian Development Bank Institute

《27th GRIPS Forum》Beyond the Global Financial and Economic Crisis: Rebalancing Growth in Asia


  • 2009

21 Dec

Mr. Katsuaki Watanabe

Vice Chairman and Representative Director, Toyota Motor Corporation

《26th GRIPS Forum》For the continuous growth -current situation of automobile industry and the future actions-

14 Dec

Mr. Yukio Edano

Member of the House of Representatives (DPJ)/

Mr. Yoshimi Watanabe(Member of the House of Representatives (Your Party), President of Your Party/

Dr. Jun Iio

Vice President of GRIPS

《25th GRIPS Forum》Panel Discussion: Change of the Administration and the Current Situation of Party Politics
7 Dec

Dr. Tamotsu Aoki

Special University Professor, Cultural and Creative Studies, Graduate School of Aoyama Gakuin University

《24th GRIPS Forum》Globalization of contemporary Japanese culture –its possibilities and issues
30 Nov

Mr. Yasuo Goto

Chief Economist, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc./

Dr. Kotaro Tsuru

Senior Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade & Industry/

Prof. Hiroko Ota

Vice President of GRIPS

《23rd GRIPS Forum》Panel Discussion: How to deal with financial deficit
9 Nov

Mr. Takuma Hatano

Former Japanese Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates

《22nd GRIPS Forum》Economic development and future of Middle East –Outlook from Abu Dhabi-
26 Oct

Dr. Koji Sato

Emeritus Professor of Kyoto University

《21st GRIPS Forum》Saiban-in System and Japan in the 21st Century
13 Jul

Dr. Junhua Wu

Director of The Japan Research Institute, Ltd.

《20th GRIPS Forum》China Outlook: the Present Economic Situation and the Possibility of Democratization
6 Jul

Mr. Shoichiro Suzuki

Chairman of Oji Paper Co. Ltd./

Mr. Tsuyoshi Takagi

President of Japan Trade Union Confederation/

Prof. Naohiro Yashiro

International Christian University/

Moderator: Prof. Hiroko Ota(Vice-president of GRIPS

《19th GRIPS Forum》Restructuring the Japanese Employment System
29 Jun

Dr. Hiroshi Hirabayashi

Former Ambassador of Japan to India and France

《18th GRIPS Forum》Top Diplomacy and the Decision-Making Process in Foreign Policy
8 Jun

Mr. Kazushi Saito

President of Izumi Agriculture Ltd. and Shonai Kome Koubou Inc./

Dr. Masayoshi Honma

Professor at University of Tokyo/

Dr. Kazuhito Yamashita

Senior Fellow at the Research Institute of Economy, Trade & Industry/

Moderator: Prof. Hiroko Ota

Vice-president of GRIPS

《17th GRIPS Forum》In Search of a Breakthrough for Japan’s Agricultural Reform
25 May

Professor Kent Calder

Director of the Edwin O. Reischaur Center for East Asia Studies, the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University

《16th GRIPS Forum》Quiet Crisis of the Pacific Alliance: Deepening Challenges in a World of Transition
18 May

Mr. Nobuteru Ishihara

Liberal Democratic Party/

Mr. Koichiro Genba

Democratic Party of Japan/

Moderator: Prof. Jun Iio

Vice-president of GRIPS

《15th GRIPS Forum》Japanese Politics at a Turning Point: Challenges of the Forthcoming General Election and the Prospects Beyond
11 May

Dr. Takashi Shiraishi

Visiting Professor of GRIPS, Executive member of the Council for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office

《14th GRIPS Forum》Japan in Asia: Re-strategizing Japan’s Foreign Policy
27 Apr

Mr. Hiroya Masuda

Former Governor of Iwate Prefecture, former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications

《13rd GRIPS Forum》A Roadmap to Japan’s Rebirth: Local Initiatives for National Challenges
23 Feb

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ginandjar Kartasasmita

Chairman of the PPIJ (Indonesia-Japan Friendship Association); Head of Indonesia’s Regional Representatives Council (DPR-RI)

《12nd GRIPS Forum》The two Financial Crises
26 Jan

H.E. Dr. Walid Mahmoud Abdelnasser

Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Japan

《11st GRIPS Forum》Egyptian-Japanese Partnership in an Increasingly Globalized World
19 Jan

Dr. Kazuhito Ikeo

Professor of Economics at Keio University/

Mr. Hirofumi Gomi

Former Commissioner of Financial Service Agency and currently an Adviser at Nishimura & Asahi/

Mr. Hajime Kitano

Managing Director & Chief Strategist of JP Morgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd/

Moderator: Prof. Hiroko Ota

Vice-president of GRIPS

《10th GRIPS Forum》Navigating Unchartered Waters: Overcoming the Financial Crisis


  • 2008

15 Dec

Mr. Toshiro Muto

Chairman of the Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd., Former Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan; Former Administrative Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Finance

《9th GRIPS Forum》Prospects for the Global Economy in the face of the Financial Crisis

1 Dec

H.E. Mr. Jorma Julin

Ambassador of Finland to Japan

《8th GRIPS Forum》A Glance at the Finnish Success Story in the Era of Globalization – Key policy choices and public policies

17 Nov

Dr. Robert M. Orr

former President of Boeing Japan; Foreign Policy Advisor for Senator Barack Obama’s Campaign

《7th GRIPS Forum》The Making of a President

10 Nov

Dr. Bukhary Essam

Saudi Cultural Attaché in Japan

《6th GRIPS Forum》Saudi Arabia: The New Challenge for Building the Future

27 Oct

Ms. Hiroko Ota

Vice President of GRIPS; Former Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy

《5th GRIPS Forum》Future Prospects of the Japanese Economy-Taking Stocks of the Koizumi, Abe, Fukuda’s Economic Policies
28 Jul

Prof. Kiyoshi Kurokawa

Professor of GRIPS, Science Advisor to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet

《4th GRIPS Forum》Innovation for Sustainable Society –Japan’s Challenges and Potentials
23 Jun

Ms. Fusae Ohta

Visiting Professor, GRIPS

《3rd GRIPS Forum》Local Governance in Japan: Perspectives from the Eight-year Experience as a Governor
26 May

Dr. Lee Geun

Associate Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University

《2nd GRIPS Forum》The Meaning of Conservative Dominance in Korean Politics: Implications of April 9th General Election
28 Apr

Dr. Tatsuo Hatta

President and Professor of GRIPS (until March 2011)

《1st GRIPS Forum》Potential of the Japanese economy

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