Whistleblowing: definition
At GRIPS, whistleblowing is reporting (without seeking illicit gain, intending to cause damage to others, or pursuing any other illicit purpose) that an employee of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (hereinafter referred to as "the Institute"), or the Institute itself, has committed or is about to commit a violation of a law or other legal entity.
The Institute has established a whistleblowing contact to enable detection and correction of misconduct at an early stage.
Eligibility to use the whistleblowing contact
Faculty and staff of the Institute, including those engaged in the work of the Institute under a worker dispatch contract or other contract, are eligible.
Note: Reports from non-faculty and staff of the Institute are handled in the same manner as those from faculty and staff.
Protection of whistleblowers
A whistleblower will not be dismissed or receive any other disadvantageous treatment on account of whistleblowing. If a whistleblower is subjected to disadvantageous treatment or harassment, those who handled the case may be punished in accordance with GRIPS employment regulations. In addition, any person who makes a false report to a whistleblower contact point in order to acquire some wrongful benefit; to discredit or cause damage to others, may be punished in accordance with GRIPS employment regulations.
How to contact, report or consult
■ Internal contact point
Contact point |
Director of the General Affairs Division |
Medium of reporting or consulting |
Written document, telephone, Email Note: Please write "CONFIDENTIAL" on the envelope when sending a document by post. |
Reception hours |
Monday to Friday (excluding holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and other institute holidays) 10:00–17:00 |
Address |
7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677 |
03-6439-6014 |
cp-hotline [at] grips.ac.jp (replace [at] with @) |
■External contact point (Japanese)
Contact point |
Watanabe Gaku Law Office |
Medium of reporting or consulting |
Written document, telephone, fax, Email or face-to-face *Please make an appointment for a face-to-face consultation. |
Reception hours |
Monday to Friday (excluding holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and other office holidays) 10:00–17:00 |
Address |
Ginza Yoshizawa Building 7F, 1-14 -7 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104–0061 |
03-6263-0271 |
03-6263-0272 |
madoguchi [at] wglo.jp (Change [at] to @ before sending) |
■External contact point (English)
Contact point |
Akihiko Hara, Attorney, Hibiya Park Law Office |
Medium of reporting or consulting |
Telephone |
Reception hours |
Monday to Friday (excluding holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and other office holidays) 10:00–17:00 |
Address |
5F, Hibiya Marine Building, 1-5-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100–0006 |
03-5532-8177 |
*The external contact point is the same as the contact point for reporting misconduct in research activities and misuse of research funds. More information can be found here.
- When reporting or consulting, please clearly indicate that this is a GRIPS matter.
- The contact point will report to the president of the Institute and to the executive vice president in charge, giving due consideration to the protection of the personal information and privacy of the reporting person. Matters concerning the president will be reported to the executive vice president in charge and to the chairperson of the presidential selection and monitoring committee.
- The whistleblower shall not receive any disadvantageous treatment on account of whistleblowing. However, if there is any occurrence of disadvantageous treatment, the contact point will also receive reports about that matter.
- The following reports and consultations shall be accepted at the contact point.
< Reports to be accepted >
1. Reports of violation of laws or regulations by GRIPS faculty and staff members, and such
2. Reports of harassment
3. Reports of misconduct in research activities or misuse of research funds
???????????? Note: There is a dedicated contact point for such matters at GRIPS.
< Consultations accepted >
-Consultations regarding the possibility of falling under 1. to 3. above
-Consultations regarding the reporting system
Internal regulations
17-08 Regulations on Protection of Whistleblowers etc at GRIPS.pdf